Family cat is being put down today after he coughed blood for several days. cheer me up please

family cat is being put down today after he coughed blood for several days. cheer me up please.

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Here's an image i found

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Death is only a doorway, your cat is in a better place. Don't be sad.

Its hard. It will get better

Will this cheer you up fren?

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How about this?

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Stay strong.
I hadn't seen my parents for 5 months, two months ago the cat had to be put down. Came back to visit yesterday, i really miss this little bundle. The house feels so empty, can't believe she's not there anymore...

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sorry mate, just know that afterwards the cat won't suffer any longer than it needs to and you're doing the right thing

For what its worth, I went home for two months for quarantine times and my parents have the cat they found when I was ~5-6. Old girl is 17-18 years old now. Fully blind, mostly deaf. Definitely is a different cat then when I lived at home like 6 years ago. I pray she goes peacefully in the night.

I’m so sorry to hear that, user. It’s going to be hard, no way around it. Just grieve however you choose to and know that the only thing that will help is time. Once you are ready, adopt another cat and give it as good of a life as you undoubtedly have given yours.

One of the kitties we had at our family field was hit by a car and died yesterday

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at least it was quick

at least I hope it was quick

thanks for posting frens, i had a little smile on my face for a second and it feels good to know other anons understand how sad i feel.
i know it's the right decision to put him down because he's suffering but i feel so empty rn.
i knew this cat since i was a little child.
at least he had a good life, he got 24 years old and i'm surprised he lived that long, so yeah i probably don't have reason to be sad sad abot it because all life will come to an end at some point. but still...

You'll get through it user, just remember the good memories.

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24 is a really long life for a cat, as long as dude lived a good life then he did better than expected

Sorry for your loss man..

pic related is was my cat. his name was paul. i haven't shed a tear for ~20 years but rn i'm crying like a little girl

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You don't have to clean the litterbox no more. There's that!

Yeah it usually is

he was going outside to take a dump anyway

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goddamnit, i almost got quints. this day is probably the worst day in my life

feel you fren, for me it's harder to lose a pet than a human family member. i don't know why but feeling empathy towards a pet is easier than towards a human.

sorry for your loss

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had to burry the local shepherd dog that was cut in half after getting hit by a train because no one else would. do it do you really think this is shocking you sheltered American retard?

What does him being American have anything to do with your statement?
>drink bleach edge lord

It gets better, user, and there will be other cats.

My family had had a cat since I was 7, slept on my bed every night from the time she was a kitten till the day she died, even when the brain tumor had rendered her blind and I had to off her up onto the bed to snuggle up to me. For those few days that I struggled with the decision over whether to put her down or not (I was seriously so attached that I was willing to spend thousands to keep this cat alive), she never left me, but eventually I noticed a change in her behavior and she was just gone. I decided that it had to be done that day. She was 17, I was in grad school, and was a fucking wreck for weeks afterward.

I thought I wouldn't want another cat again, at least not for a long time. My girlfriend had other plans. A month afterward, she came home with 3 little kittens from the local humans society shelter and said that we'd be fostering them for a bit.. they never went back to the shelter other than for a final round of shots before we adopted them. At first I was upset and didn't want much to do with them, and was dismayed that she was naming them the first night they stayed with us. Pretty much by day 2 they had won me over. These three are the sweetest little cunts I've ever met. They're a couple years old now, and while I still think about my old kitty, these guys come close to filling that hole.

Pic related, it's my son.

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Not really. It’s just these autists love cats so much they get triggered over this shit. I made a troll post saying I have my roommates cat brain damage one time (I didn’t) and they raged for about 2 hours.

phone poster retard, shove your stupid screenshot up your ass and kys

Sorry, here’s the original.

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thanks for sharing your story, to be honest my cat wasn't the first pet i lost and i know i'll get over it but i'm sure you know right now it feels like i'll never be happy again.
you're a good person and you're cats are lucky to have such a caring dad.

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Well it wasn't an insult it was actually the opposite. I live in a shithole were dead animals are left to rot in the streets, not in a big desolate highway like next to houses and busy streets

bwahahahahaha bloody fucking funny. i'm sure you have lots of friends

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It's really rough when you grow up with an animal, user. I had to help my girlfriend through this last year when her family's cat had to be put down. You'll get through this. My cat wasn't the first pet I'd lost either, just the first I couldn't remember not having around.