

Prove you belong here, go to google and youre a faggot.

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Why would I want to ever belong in this cesspool

You dont have to frequent, havnt been here in years, pathetic to see the state of it

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Who's the dude in the pic? Looks like a fucking legend.

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Ffs cunts like you who act like your some sort of Demi-god because you’ve been coming to this shit board are so sad, are you seriously that desperate to be accepted somewhere that you cling to this cesspit of degenerate basement dwellers so you actually feel apart of something? Go join a club or some shit ffs, if you acknowledge that you are an “oldfag” then I seriously feel sorry for your sad existence

look at all those things he can smoke dope out of

The fact you still frequent this place with the state it's in already tells me what kind of a faggot you are. Since you're obviously insecure about it, you can back to your porn threads sissy, you're not welcome.

His names Dave, has a whole website dedicated to his odd views on life where the site plays like a deep web game.

First off. I found it. It's a bunch of occult gematria and magic squares. Actually super cool. Second. It's hilarious your trips were 666 given his sites content. There are no coincidences.

Welcome to the rabbit hole friend, I've spent countless hours there, makes sense I'd hit those trips then. Good luck finding the harder to reach pages there, they're pretty well hidden.

new fags can´t triforce

I remember when EFG didn't have a mask.

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You got some uh, periods in your triforce

Shut the fuck up faggot we're all newfags here. Anyone that claims to be an oldfag is a straight up faggot. They disappeared eons ago as evident by the current state of this site.

Pitiful. Kill yourself or stop coming here then, you clearly don't belong.

david danison do you even google?
back when ASCII was known by oldfags
now new fags have no talent
just and suck each others dicks
they are not even anarchist as in old days

I said prove you belong hou smoothbrained chimp, now while that does mean you should probably be am oldfag, porn thread frequenters like you dont.

Pretty much, I havnt posted on any chans in years, I stop by here every year or so to see how things are and it's just sad. Tor was fun for a bit but not the same

Alright faggot listen up. I'm a hardcore coomer and I take great pride in it. But don't bunch me together with the rest of the zoomer porn faggots. What else is there to do here nowadays? Every once in a while we get the rape debate thread or some other ones which interest me in which I shitpost to full extent and participate but most of the time there's fucking nothing here. I may be a newfag but I wish I could've discovered this sooner so I could've experienced this cesspool in its prime. I wish it weren't like this but it is what it is now.

You could have both, theres countless porn sites and Tor exists with truly free speech on its sites. I just wanted to talk to some of the people who may have been around here when I was. Also try posting bait threads where you lure people in then spam gore or other bullshit

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This site was the same more or less, just more cheese pizza and less nigger/jew/gay shit.

OC and wins made it worthwhile though



newzealand for the win just like corna virus must suck to live in a shit country like the usa
