Tips on quitting porn and fapping?

tips on quitting porn and fapping?

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Find a girlfriend

get dubs

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Just stop. There's no tips or shortcuts. If you want to stop, just stop. You have all the power.

have one but she's a prude kms

Fuck, I'd need a harem to stop.

Turn her into a slut you goddamn cuck.

become a faggot

I haven't masturbated since 4/20 (this year) and it's been the best fucking decision I've ever made, my erections got rock solid every time, I feel better everyday, you don't even think that much about it after a week or so, you'll notice a lot of stuff in the first week.
Also sex with my girl was awesome, got her to orgasm 3 times and made her cum once. (For reference I used to fap AT LEAST once a day and normally I'd last about 10 mins or less in bed)
Now after just a couple weeks of not fapping I was able to last for fucking ages, my GF had to finish me off with a bj and oh God the amount of cum that went into her face was the most I've ever came
(Sorry for my bad English, not a native speaker)
Btw I know it sounds like bragging and I'm just lying but I fucking swear it'll change your life, you can still watch porn from time to time if you're feeling really horny but just control yourself and don't cum

Stop coming here

try jacking it with out porno. seeing high octane ultra smut of any flavor at any time makes it just too easy.

or you if you have it really bad, you can try a few diffrent things. like first jfap of the day has porn, the seconday ones have to be from memory. also, you can force yourself to use something every basic like old playboy soft core shit and limit your self to only a single img set. the risk with that is just edgeing with no releases, but you gotta save up your loads and just focus on one good one.

also if you happen to being doing drugs while jacking, you gotta stop that for sure. there are steps worst than what ever you are doing now, and you really dont want to slip down farther. ona holes arent rock bottom.

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nigga you think this guy has a GF and regular sex? get the fuck outta here. we all know that you no fappers have it so good, but what you didn't actually say is any advice on how to stop.

hey guys protip: instead of tugging on your penis, stick it in a vagina!

It's simple. Just fuckin stop. The guy was pretty clear about that moron.

You're lying. You would cum instantly adter nodap when having sex. You're so fucking stupid and think nofap will make you a chad. Fuckin retard, it's placebo. True chads fap as much as they want to and still have nice lifes

What I did the first days was just edging, instead of just jerking off I'd wear shorts or pants and just play with my cock trough the pants, never stroking it directly.
And not letting myself cum, just getting to the point right before that, stop, breathe and continue until you fall asleep.
That's how your cock "learns" to last longer, and I think that's why I performed better than before

become a sissy, get chastity locked and fucked by your daddy

Realize that humans are animals just like any other and the desire for sex is really just instinctual animal behavior

If you value your cognition more than base animal instincts then you will find the strength to stop

And if you can’t stop then you are still animal minded

nice pasta

kill yourself fag

.. well, if it´s placebo, then it works. the placebo effect is well reasearched and considered helpful.

wow thanks! I don't think I'll ever coom ever again

Just don't.
There's no reason not to masturbate and not to watch porn. If you have some trouble with it it's most likely that you are overdoing.
Just schedule in your wek a couple of moment where you can fap to your facourite porn and then set a time limit. Dunno, 30 minutes or an hour.
If you are going to deep in the white rabbit porn hole, just try to avoit to weird and extreme porn.

You sound like an old pedo who "hangs out" at public pools, is your gf by any chance too young to buy alcohol?

Just stop.
Witcho bitch ass

She is disrespecting you. Make her obey you

Fap 6 times per day to have Negro levels of testosterone, a big swinging dick n bitches magneticly drawn into ur orbit.
Trouble is, it can be difficult to get hard enough to fuck bitches having shot 6 loads but the bitches worth fucking will see this as a challenge n the top shelf sluts will eat out ur ass to stiffen u enough to penetrate their piss slits.
Watch porn faggot

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Get in a relationship have sex

Probably don't.
There's nothing wrong with porn/masturbation, any more than there's something wrong with sex.
I have sex with my partner regularly. We also both jack/jill off regularly. If nobody is getting hurt, there's nothing to worry about.

If it's something that's interfering negatively with your life, then maybe try scaling back a bit, but otherwise you're fine.

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Yeah I need to stop replacing the lack of love in my life

If you're serious, unironically visit /r/nofap. Some idiots and shitty opinions there for sure, but also good strategies for managing addiction.

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Why would someone stop masturbating completely? I can understand that like 5 times a day is way too much, but once every second for example should be perfectly fine.
Don't doctors actually advise to mastubate once every so often?

Why did you suck off a nigger?