Is he redpilled?

Is he redpilled?

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>aging reaction youtuber drama

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underage b&

underage b8

>Imagine unironically thinking that keemstar is funny

He's a childish anti-semite who got clobbered for messing with the wrong gangsta.

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You cant even spell nigger get the fuck out of here fucking cuck

No one cares about any of this internet fag drama.

man children still obsessing over petty high school like drama

> glad i quite the youtube commentator scene

Keemstar is a racist pedo. GradeAunderA uncovered that and somehow everyone forgot.
I don't get how people even wanna be around Keemstar.

They're making millions off this both have million dollar houses shut up fag and do better next time

I'm glad someone remembers... I was surprised it wasn't brought up.

I’m actually pissed about this. I don’t particularly like keemstar or his style of content, and I especially don’t like (((Ethan Klein))). But h3h3 is setting a new precedent of kikery on YouTube with this shit, and is going to single-handedly run it into the ground. I hope keem comes out on top in this.

Keem is an idiot.
He really was stupid showing disrespect to Ethan.

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who are these faggots?

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Youre a fucking retard. If he was a rAcISt pEdO why would he still be on youtube and not in jail fuckhead? GradeAUnderA is a shit channel anyways and im glad he stopped posting his content was shit

at the cost of their dignity, not worth it

struck a nerve? maybe little baby boys who watch keem should go to bed online zoom class for third graders is sooo hard

>muh dignity
enjoy the life wagie

hehe juden peterstein smoking from the jew gas chambers xDDD. keem has good bantz and hates niggers

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Oh shit you called me a kid whatever shall I do, Oh wait, fuck you nigger. If you assume someones age on the internet youre a fucking retard and actually have no evidence for an argument. Try putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger something cool happens lmao

Imagine talking shit about someone for being a productive member of society/the economy
I guess this is 4channel where basement dwelling autists survive off mom bux

This. It’s the second time I’ve heard of them today. I think. Something about manchildren falling out online? Why does anyone care?


They're both fucking retarded pieces of shit and the fact that you care about it makes you a faggot.

ok continue jacking off to your little sister in your moms room, us "wagies" will be productive with our lives

Imagine not understanding that the red pill thing was about being trans and then co-opting it for your lame pepe maga bullshit.

He's not. Ethan isn't either. They're both manchildren. Fuck off with your e-celeb whoring.

They are both fags

>getting booted from Zig Forums


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Imagine everyone in this thread starting there reply off with imagine because they have no fucking argument. Keemstar over h3h3 anyday of you think some money hungry jew is funny or better then keem youre on another fucking planet

That's what you get when you have a thread full of 14 year olds. You're 15 I assume?