HELP ME Zig Forums I need to finish a 15 word essay before the end of the week

HELP ME Zig Forums I need to finish a 15 word essay before the end of the week.

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What's it on?

15 word essay sounds easy af, what are you in special ed or something

Throw some prepositions in there. Bitches love prepositions.

Just drop ME Zig Forums

>Help! I need to finish a fifteen word essay by the end of the week!

George Carlin has you half assed covered

>When you have a nice hat, and someone mentions it, and then you feel nice.

15. Word.

So the other day i saw a guy sucking my dads dick and i came, the end.

There you go user

I think this guy is onto something. Maybe expand the contraction into two separate words.

Jesus fucking Christ, that is two words too long, you fool. This will not do.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Throwing them does not seem to get a high enough word count. Place them gently.

Fuck! Off by one. So close, and yet so far. Maybe try borrowing his proposition?

The "national health service" won't stop trying to turn me into a schizophrenic vegetarian burger.

We must secure the existence of our race and a future for our white children

Indians used to pull corn from shit and reuse it in various foods, thats history.

Why can‘t these neck bearded klan larpers ever seem to learn to count to fifteen?

I liked the use of a contraction here. You’re gonna go far someday soon, kid!

That’s technically true and meets the criteria. But points deducted for spelling that’s without apostrophe.

>15 word essay
Must be doing a PhD in Gender Studies

Fuck! Sorry, that critique was meant for the post above yours. I’m looking at you.

>15 88

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It would take more than fifteen words to list the pronouns recognized in the class.

Picking your nose like that is unsanitary. Drink bleach and inject disinfectant. Wear the mask.

We must secure the existence of humanity and a future for our delicious, tender children.

Holy shit this assignment is so fun. Thank you OP, not a faggot this time.

You get bonus points for the most improved essay since the first draft. Good job!


Old McDonald had a farm and on that farm he had a pig; Mrs. McDonald.

Why is his ass only half covered? Does he like short shorts, or naughty words?

Ha ha ha this one is great. Ei ay ei ay oh. To the tune.