Is there actually fucking people on here? Literally anyone from the OG Zig Forums days?
97% of this board HAS to be edgy 14 year olds who are super horny, and I'd give my fucking left nut if I'm wrong.
Is there actually fucking people on here? Literally anyone from the OG Zig Forums days?
97% of this board HAS to be edgy 14 year olds who are super horny, and I'd give my fucking left nut if I'm wrong.
Not an OG (7 years aint OG I guess) but certainly someone who isn't a 14 year old edgy fag
I'm 22 years old and drunk. I'm really just starved of people to talk to. This is the first time I've posted on Zig Forums, much less Zig Forums in like 6 years
I use so many filters it's practically a different board. Shit leaks through but for the most part it's alright.
post Cracky Chan.
Zig Forums was never good. Fuck off.
>97% of this board HAS to be edgy 14 year olds who are super horny, and I'd give my fucking left nut if I'm wrong.
It's already been this way 5 years ago. Yet we're still here.
I've been an off and on member of Zig Forums for a while. I first was on the board around the gaia raids and when that pizza bitch killed herself.
Zig Forums was cooler back in the day with intellectual redpill discussions and countless rekt threads and occasionallly we came together to brutally harass fags after a dox.
It all went down hill when the reddit faggots and dog fuckers joined up.
Been here since before pic related skank was all you fags could talk about.
Edgy man. Why can't we all just get along.
I actually disagree with these threads. I have been here since 2012ish and I have had lots of good and bad times on this site
why does it matter?
I've been around since the Kenny Glenn incident, still feel like a newfag though. I feel like you'd have to have been here since 06 to be considered OG.
Iv been around for 11years. I dont say much though, mainly because Zig Forums has always kinda been shit to be honest.
why do you keep coming then
Been around since 2012 ish
Still come when I'm bored and drunk, but don't frequent as much as I used to due to other interests and a life outside of the internet.
Certain people, you and I included, romanticize that time when we were young and thought that this was the shit. You and I were that edgy 14 year old at one point.
just gotta let it Zig Forums
Even lurking for 12years... And yeah, things have sure changed. Not for the better.
I just want some form of the old days somewhere.
Not sure, i have been lurking since 2014
But i have been on YouTube since 2006 and now everyone acts like a 13 edgy boy and thats a fucking shame
I mean in the comments section
Everyone tries to be funny with the same lame jokes
Because it's our shit
Been here since I was like 10/12. Now I'm 24. Really makes you wonder where time goes
Only been here since 2000... take breaks now and again.
25, bored as fuck, life going nowhere
Uhhh... started in 2003, faggot
Zig Forums is exactly as it was 5 years ago, as it was 5 years before that... and 5 years before that.
it doesnt, i just can identify correct people
and this can still be recognized as Zig Forums
do u liek mudkipz
I would say that that the memes used to be better... and at least made sense.
Shut the fuck up newfag Zig Forums wasn't always like it is currently.
Erryones all retarded an gay an shit.
That or a bot.
Change my mind. Protip. You cant.
It really wasn’t
You're right, ppl weren't afraid to post CP back then.
i miss my reaction folders... ._____________.
I’m a person... soon it will be ai taking up most of the internet.
I like to fuck with it.
What nuts? HA got em fucking retard
I believe all of you are just twisted manifestations of my deprived mind.