Are trump voters self-aware?

Are trump voters self-aware?

In their posts, replies, "debates" etc. they all seem strangely programmed or automated.

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>Excellent post, fellow #Register. Orange Man is truly bad.
> 10 cents has been deposted into your ShareBlue account!

lol, this is exactly what I mean. You're an npc basically!

That's funny, I kinda think that about you OP

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Trumptards are just that, retarded. Either they willingly support him and are, or they are too stupid to realize he is a fraud peddling con-man with the intelligence of a spoiled 8 year old.

You just described liberal fags.
Everytime someone on the right post a compelling argument supported by facts in a debate the response is the same as your post... all you liberal faggots just spew out the same shit attacking character and playing into identity politics.
You cant make an argument supporting you're party and go for someones character because theres nothing on your side worth defending.
>obama pedofile
>biden pedofile
> democratic cities are filled with homeless bums
>dems cities taxes are incredibly high and go to the beaners who bring wages down.

You cucks cant articulate an argument with any supporting evidence on why the left is the better choice because its not.

Those are claims/opinions, not arguments. Learn the difference.

Why do you think they're called cult45? Cults aren't a fictional thing. If Trump tells them to drink the Kool-ade they'll do it without question.

>you liberal faggots just spew out the same shit attacking character
>You cucks
You are doing exactly what you are accusing others of. The "facts" you so love are unfortunately often what you would have to call "alternative facts"...

>someone on the right
>argument supported by facts

Are liberals self-aware?

In their posts, replies, "debates" etc. they all seem strangely programmed or automated.

Funny you say that, I see the same thing but on the opposite side.

Democratic cities have gone to shit it's not an opinion. Pick up a fucking newspaper article

I have a better question for you. Are cucks self aware, libtard? Or do you just regurgitate the cum fed to you on r*ddit and CNN?

Obama confirmed pedo

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Give us some examples here? What cities are you talking about?

Everyone is a pedo. Some people are just more comfortable with it than others.

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Literally all my green text can be proven but I dont feel like posting all the biden kid snuff pics. Try again libtard

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>as if you wouldn't be able to resist such an Oriental treat in your lap

So where do you suggest I get better news? Which publications/channels should I see to get an accurate picture of trump

Based kek

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Thats his niece, faggot.

Everyone usually starts on the left and goes to the right when the realize socialism sucks. Which means you are probably some 14 year old beaner or an old fag who never grew up and matured

the daily caller
fox news if you're in a rush

Both sides do it
Any American that affiliates with, or identifies as a political party seems to be irrationally one sided in defense of their preference to the point of ignoring reality at times.
Both sides are retarded for acting this way, it's a result of propaganda
This polarization is literally a divide and conquer tactic to control the population and so many eat it up willingly then ask for more

lol those are all wingnut sites

>Pick up a fucking newspaper article
Why isnt it still in the newspaper?
Who cut it out?

Well, I think you might want to consider brushing up on your third grade grammar skills and learn to tell the difference between your (possessive) and you're (you are) before you try defending any political figure. I would also suggest that you learn to spell:

and put a space between every and time next time you want to support Trump. People might disagree with you and debate you, but their first impression won't be of an inarticulate idiot.

Congrats retard you literally proved him right
>orange man bad
That’s literally the only argument trumptards cling to
>fake news
>left just trying to make him look bad
Or maybe he’s just a big fucking idiot that says blatantly dumb shit every time he opens his mouth

trump voters are some of the weirdest people out there, what's wrong with them?

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We weren’t even talking about Biden, another retarded trumpcuck thing to do. Anytime people call trump out on his dumbassery his followers are so quick to just shit talk Obama lol
It’s fucking pathetic

I made a joke but I guess we can't have fun anymore. Every anti-trump post is exactly like this: and the one we are currently. Nothing of value just stupid pseudo-intellectual reddit tier sarcastic questions. You haven't presented any arguments yourself. You just call him and his supporters retards and expect a counter-argument. Don't worry ShareBlue will pay you handsomely