Ask a tranny who hates trannies anything

Ask a tranny who hates trannies anything

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why do you hate trannies if you are a tranny?

do you have gipsy-trannies?

Do you believe in AGP?
Are you a transbian?
Why not just be a feminine man?

If you hate everything does that mean you hate yourself?

Do you fuck married men?

Why not just be androgynous

Are you passable?
Tits or GTFO

Why are you gay?

What drove you to be trans? Is it internalized self hatred? Were you molested as a child? What makes you so based as to hate other trannies?

Seriously, you going to answer OP?

So you're a moron?

Well, you know how some gay guys are literally unspotable as gay because they're just normal dude who happen to like dick, but others are total fags that use Tumblr and Reddit and will ree about their leftist shit if you say something they don't like? From my experience, just about all trannies are like that. Also mentally ill people can be insufferable, also they can't accept we're mentally ill.


>Do you believe in AGP?
>Are you a transbian?
>Why not just be a feminine man?
I like being called a girl and stuff

No, if I was I'd be sleeping with a boy, not posting on Zig Forums

Why not

I imagine it has something to do with the mommy issues

Bro give me some time


How come some trannies have some fairy tail ass name?
a lot of them claim to have autism, is there a connection?
What is the MTF to FtM ratio?, is one more prominent and why?

Tell me more about your mommy issues, user.

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Are you a tranny who hates trannies?

Is this you op?

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How does this make you feel?

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Hey op are you into bbc?

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Hybrid cars are gayer than OP

> Why not just be a feminine man?
Why would anyone want to be a man, let alone a man that is looked down upon by the society even more than a "regular" man?

t. closeted MtF


>How come some trannies have some fairy tail ass names?
I don't know what the fuck is up with tranny names. Also Lily, Luna and Alice are always common for some reason.
>MtF to FtM
I don't know exactly, but I feel there's way more MtF than FtM. On an unrelated note, programming is probably the most popular MtF career, but u hear there's a lot of FtMs in the Coast Guard (no source for this though) which is really wierd and specific but whatever

Mommy up and left like a black dad when I was 3 and my brother was 5 (she had done this before, I have 2 older brothers aside from this from 2 different dads). Went through a series of stepmom's that never stayed long, and then my dad married a stepmom that became abusive.

Like nothing, I don't care much about cars

No, I am a closet racist

Kek gtfo, there can only be one Kayla

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my stance on trannies has always been, if they are passable on the street, then why care when you can't notice the difference on the street? but if they're not passable, then why get your panties in a bunch over someone not calling you she? you don't look the part. you really want to shit on someone for calling out what they see?
all this special privileged trannies want and have been getting, like having to call them she when they look like pic related only helps to make them even more insufferable cunts than just what their mentally illness already gives them.
what i find really sad is regardless if they get the bubble world they want people to live in, they still will never be happy or satisfied with what or who they are. they are a cheap imitation, an empty husk, completely deprived of any life inside. they will never get what they desire. they will never be satisfied because we don't have the technology to make them what they want. they act like fascist, trying to force others to succumb to their mental illness because they receive validation from others as they don't find validation in themselves. deep down inside they know they're defective humans, a complete abomination and they hate it. they hate themselves.
call them what they are. men. they either have to accept who and what they are, a man who thinks they're a women, and thus, not a real women, or continue to live in a fantasy that's manifested by their own mind by giving into their self induced delusion. causing them to live a life of constant disappointment. of never being happy. even when they say they are, they're not truly happy. they're still screaming inside at themselves.
just because someone feels like they're a deer doesn't mean they're really a deer. reality is, they're human. a human who think they're a deer. just like regardless what you call a tree, a tree is still a tree whatever construct you make. a man is a man. a women doesn't have a dick.

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Because it fucking rocks. You get to do whatever the fuck you want and you don't need to put up with the faggotry of women.

I wouldn't want to be anything other than a feminine male

As long as you don't live in a cucked state or Europe being a man is pretty tops. Bigger, stronger, higher IQ, taken more seriously... it can get pretty lonely at the top.

Thank you!
Been wanting to ask those for a long time but had no one to ask that wouldn’t blow the fuck up on me for “wrong think”

How do you feel about tranny deers?

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What’s it like to suck your own dick after they cut it off?

MTF to FTM is roughly 2.2:1

i developed a tranny fetish from spending too much time on this god damn website. started dating one a year ago b/c i didn't realize how mentally ill most of them actually are (i thought all this weird autism and tranny mental illness stuff was embellished). god, i'm a fool.

>being so based you become your own mommy

It doesn't make you special to be a degenerate who hates degenerates.

most trannies will apologize for you trying to gender them out of courtesy. the loud minority are the ones forcing pronouns. i just want to be invisible

>Mommy up and left like a black dad when I was 3 and my brother was 5 (she had done this before, I have 2 older brothers aside from this from 2 different dads). Went through a series of stepmom's that never stayed long, and then my dad married a stepmom that became abusive.
so you want to be a women to fill that empty void of never actually having a true mother. so you want that feel, that touch, warmth, etc that you never got and manifest it as you being a women to fill that void. you're not really trans, like most. you just have issues and you don't know how to properly deal with them. not having a real mother left scares on you and this is your way as a defensive mechanism to shield yourself from the pain. a lot people manifest their pain in odd ways. some shoot up schools, others want to chop their balls off and become a women much like yourself.

look i came from a religious family myself. i wasn't allowed to date until i was 21. i did a lot of stupid shit as a good because of that. like one day when i was around 13 when we went to kmart, i asked my mom if i could go to the toy section and she let me. but instead, i ran to the women's department, grabbed some underwear, and tried them on in the fitting room. i was envious of women for a time and like you, had thoughts of wanting to be one. but as i kept getting older and ended up having a girlfriend by the time i hit 17 that i hid from my parents (she knew all about my folks) and the moment I had my first kiss all my desires of that shit went away. i'm in my 30's now and married and i absolutely love being a man.

my take is, don't do anything extreme. don't listen to other tranny sympathizers. just really get help. and help isn't listening to someone telling you to shoot up HRT. you need real help to guide you away from whatever you're dealing with. not give into it.

Is he the most hated tranny in the world right now?

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>i just want to be invisible
I pass, post-op, have sex with straight guys, get gud nigger

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no worries, my mommy gave me everything in life since i was her only child, and i returned the favor by chemically castrating myself. has nothing to do with upbringing, trannies come in all kinds.
trannies who cut things off and put things on are the minority. hormones are all you need

Go back to Zig Forums kayla and stop bragging


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Honestly I kind of feel the same. I mean I don't fucking like it but it makes some people very... undesirable

I don't like them, but it not something I'd generally say because I'm not in a place to judge someone for wanting to be something they aren't

>genital surgery
Ew no


you speak like being trans is a death sentence. i see the religious part of you is still kicking

>I pass
:^) sure you do
>have sex with straight guys
based but having sex with other trannies is better
voice is literally simple as fuck

i actually have a friend who's going through the same thing as you. but his mother was an absolute witch of a women. she really screwed up his mind. i always thought it was his mother that made him think he's a chick. i see this stuff a lot of trannies. either an awful mother, or some other screwed up thing happening to them as a kid. i've never actually met a sane tranny. like a tranny that grew up sane or grew up in a normal house hold. its always some shit and having some mental problems with themselves. all i know is trannies are either mentally unstable or grew up in a shit house hold.

maybe you should just accept yourself instead of being a psycho?

>you speak like being trans is a death sentence. i see the religious part of you is still kicking
well it is. 40% club exists for a reason. i mean sooner or later you will probably kill yourself for one reason or another.

>sooner or later you will probably kill yourself for one reason or another.
gee, i can't possibly imagine why.

Neither of you are getting the joke. That wheel is direct drive, i.e. the car does not have a tranny.

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