Hey Americans, especially the Republican die hards, why are you always god damn crying about some shit

Hey Americans, especially the Republican die hards, why are you always god damn crying about some shit.

Why is it when you open your mouths and bad shit happens to you because of it, it is always someone else at fault? Why can't the majority of you take responsibility for your own actions? Are you that much of a bunch of cowards?

Also to Republicans lately for the last 4 years I have had to read countless breads and posts about how "America" won wars, and it is mostly from the Repubs.

Let me give you a history lesson.

World War 1 the president at the time of the entire conflict was Woodrow Wilson - a Democrat.

World War 2 the only president in history to serve 12 years (3 full terms) was Roosevelt. Democrat.

Korean war - Started with Harry Truman a Democrat, America was making strides against Communist backed North Korea. Then along came Eisenhower with more spending somehow turned victory into defeat in the space of a couple of months. Although defeat is not the right word as the War never ended, but it resulted in a loss of power for the US in the region. Which in turn supported ....

Vietnam War - Started with Eisenhower as the USSR and China viewed him as weak, and the supported Vietcong invaded North Vietnam. Although infamously Eisenhower allowed South Korean troops to commit war crimes to villages in North Vietnam that hadn't sided with the Vietcong, this was a turning point.

Later JFK was elected and as we know assassinated and followed by Johnson, democrats of course. During Johnson's term America was holding it's own and he got support from other allies to help in the conflict, Australia to name one of a few. Also spending was reduced as it wasn't needed, something Republicans love to do is spend spend spend on useless shit that is supposed to protect Americans.

Nixon was elected at the end of Johnson's 2nd term, and the shit hit the fan again.. until he was caught fiddling (watergate) and Ford took over. ..1/2

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Nixon increased funding, but yet somehow reduced troop numbers this was due partly to growing distrust in the government over the war. People still remember the fiasco that was the Korean War.

So... in short, when Democrats were fully in charge during a conflict they contributed to winning it with allies. But when Republicans were in charge they fucked it up.

Same goes for the Gulf War, started by Republicans completed by Democrats. And the Iraq war started by Republicans and ended by Democrats.

So why do you republicans bang your chest like your party did anything useful?

I am not a liberal or democrat, Jew, Black, Muslim, Russian, Chinese and so on. Because I know how well criticism fucks up American's egos to the point they are paranoid and think everyone else posting is a bot or enemy of the state.

Makes you wonder how much Americans actually understand anything about their own country or political system?

I'm not political but as a American i hate both Liberals and Republicans equally. :) x


Well, Republicans wear American flag pins on their lapels and our morons eat it up

so much
every "discussion" devolves into "Trumptards" and "libtards"

Alot of people who are close to me are political, my brother cousins bf mom dad etc. I'm pretty much the only one in the family who never talks about politics and who doesn't care about it at all, and i have snapped time to time because of it and when it continues i tend to freak out and get really pissed. Those are one of the many reasons why i have set up rules for myself so i don't have to bother to hear it all, it's a bit extreme but it's needed for my vibes and to keep myself sane in these crazy times. :)

Shut up, libtard.

It's a shame the majority of Americans are enamoured by this fantasy that it can only be Democrats or Republicans in charge of the country, they cannot envision a President that is neither.

And if they did take that extra step and voted for 2 different parties, then the corporations in control in the background would be shitting themselves, for 2 years they would be vying to be friends with the new parties as they know the Senate and Congress would be totally wiped out, and for the first time in 40 years they would need to beg heavily instead of moving goal posts to stay in power.

But... that will never happen, because Americans in the majority are force fed sheep/seals who clap their hands to CNN or Fox and similar news networks to feed them the latest way to think for the day.

Oh please, go back to the fox hole. Don't want this to turn into a war between reds and blues, i just want red white and blue! x

Attached: Thortheamericanmusicman.gif (480x369, 1.16M)

Attached: Day in the life of an American.jpg (800x3500, 957.97K)

Damn its been ages since I last saw this. I also liked the "How Americans see.." I think it was about mexicans and shit

>being so mad about your lack of freedom that you have to spread lies about america every single day

so now it's going to turn into "Amerifats" &"Eurotrash" isn't it?

OP here, just wondering what freedom do you Americans actually think you have? Except for guns that nobody else cares about, what other freedoms do you think you have that nobody else does?

Attached: how Americans perceive the world.jpg (600x2263, 667.95K)

>except for the one freedom that matters what freedom do you think you have haha cant answer guess i win again xD hold on gotta show the bobbies my internet licenses ;_;
Stay mad, Eurofag.

So non-Americans are fucking blind, haha.

So you can't answer the question then? And have to resort to another childish attack to try and project your salt?

Ok I understand. I shall leave you to your corner of woe and paranoia.

i think americans are blind how the fuck can you see through those fat eyelids?

Attached: American Beauties.jpg (1280x720, 53.09K)

Be sure to include the TWO FAILED wars of GW Bush - Republican - 20 years later, war continues in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Attached: fa6.jpg (735x340, 92.27K)

Cope, Eurotard.

Keep cherrypicking, Euroshit. Maybe one day you'll pick an argument by mistake.

Attached: In this thread right now.webm (640x360, 1.31M)

That doesn't look good. Hope your butt cools off soon, commiebro.

Gulf War and Iraqi war are over. Wasn't the same Bush for both of them though.

What you describe are NATO forces policing some areas, with Americans stationed at bases to try and control shit. Those aren't wars unfortunately.

>"Keep cherrypicking"
>hypocritically cherrypicks about things against Europeans
weeeew boi 2020

JEW THREAD, and most likely homosexual jew thread

Eurotrash dont even have freedom of speech. They arrest people for posting comments online. Look at the news

I do believe he posted that to you, I know its way over your head Keemslut style. But it is what it is.

Neither do Americans.

You have Free Speech the ability to discuss and criticise what you like. But it doesn't give you a free pass to incite violence against anyone through words on public forums.

Plenty of court cases in the US where people have been sued and lost due to what they said about Blacks, Mexicans, Jews and Muslims in the last 8 years. When people asked others to attack members of those groups physically etc.

Shh! The goyim mustn't know!

Seethe, Eurotard.

Hey Europeans, especially the socialist die hards, why are you always god damn crying about some shit.

Why is it when you open your mouths and bad shit happens to you because of it, it is always someone else at fault? Why can't the majority of you take responsibility for your own actions? Are you that much of a bunch of cowards?

I didnt say inciting violence dumbass. They arrest people in europe for things that are simply offensive or 'racist'

The liberal agenda: because why bother trying to learn history when you can just write it yourself. Yeah, none of that fucking happened, OP.

Lol imagine taking this bait...