Your 18 year old daughter does porn now

>Your 18 year old daughter does porn now
How do you react?

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I scold her for waiting that long to start her career

Go back in time and kill myself, then fap to the video.

Where’s my money, bitch?


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embarrassing incel LARP

Watch it one time to see what shes got.

Ask how much she charges

If hookers are paid to be in porn isn’t that prostitution?

It's about time our porn career took off. Thought she'd never turn 18 so I can stick my dick in her.

>implying my daughter wouldn't have already been making porn for 16+ years

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Masturbate vigorously. Then try to find a prostitute that closely resembles my little angel and fuck the whore weekly til I get bored.


All women are hookers. They all have a price before they give up the pussy

This. Probably go even further and buy an exact replica of the specific outfit my baby girl was wearing in her porn debut & pay the hooker a few $ extra to wear it while I fuck her.

Congratulate myself on having a stable enough life to have been able to grow a healthily self-confident and independent person, who is free of the artificial guilt our control- and consumer-oriented church society attempts to shift on everyone, and doesn't let the opinions of others affect the choices she makes.

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Tell her the truth about how things will go after this

Greentext time
>Happy time happy life for a short period of time
>The became old and ugly
>Will need to do more hardcore to get more cash
>Then become useless, blamed on internent
>Mostly scuicide

I found a camwhore that resembles my sister. Fapped with some shame at the beginning but got into it. Gave her tips quite a bit. Eventually told her who she looked like, she was into it. Now I'm a regular.

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She'll end up dead of an overdose or suicide at 26, but at least she won't be shackled by the church fellow redditor

Buy incontinence treatment

Sauce me on this

The clue is in the file name.


Oh really?

go be a fag somewhere else

Get her fucking teeth fixed for top dollar work.

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You should throw a party. Feel free to invite as many of your work friends as you want.


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Since when the fuck did I have a kid