Post room
Post room
Nice place.
just moved, still settling in
>inb4 another user post my room and we all get big spoops
I like that little tablecloth user :3
Clean your god dam room
Yeah it’s pleasing to the eye.
aww someone peaked in HS, how cute
kek HS were my worst years
Idunno exactly how bad HS was for you user but I think your worst years are right now
this, he won't get any awards now unless you count welfare checks
Clean your room.
my mistake, that picture is from my HS years
that's fucking disgusting
so you were able to buy alcohol in highschool? were you a supersenior?
You people live like animals.
That all seems very well placed. I believe you could save some space by removing the tesla ball. Its not on and im pretty sure you could use that space for 2-4 can's/bottles.
Also don't forget to close the bottle. A spasm is not far away and the cleanup is realy not worth it.
sick room. i wish my place was like that but with hatsune miku and only hatsune
My parents and friends bought it, sometimes i stole it.
Fake ass
But i wish
can never understand people who have bottles and filth in front of their keyboard... how do you use it in the first place?
With my penis.
I think you have to be a retard to know, we're left completely out of the loop and frankly I feel discriminated against sometimes
glad its long enough to reach the WASD keys
comfy but do the blinds cover full sized windows or is it just for decor ?
it's all windows m8, with a nice private garden outside (private in that it's walled-in so nobody else in the complex can see in, and it's really green out there with vines and such). Very happy here tbh
Ah that's not as bad as I thought, for some reason my mind was fixated on that been the front of the house and was giving me anxiety.
here's the other half
The spare bedroom at the back has the same, wall of blinds/windows and a door out to another (smaller) private yard too :3
I was trapped in a single bedroom for the last 11 months and it was torture, so now with this massive place I literally don't even know which room to spend my time in. I'm a lucky user this year
looks kinda comfy... post chair
also -1 point for 1 screen... why's that user?
no job chair aint much just some random office chair says neader
>plastic dinosaurs
nice, nostalgic
Looks as if you live in an abandoned house if that's yours
Is that a methlab in a motel room?
How's it feel being a pedo?