How does one stop feeling lonely?

How does one stop feeling lonely?
I just saw this video of a girl showing off her newly baked bread and I just saw her smile and broke to tears...

I'm 24 and have been single my whole life. I'm not particularly ugly but I have 0 confidence and push away any women who shows signs of interest because I just think she's fucking with me.

I live in Saudi where dating was really illegal and strict but now people are open to doing whatever but part of me is still scared like I was 10 years ago and it's not helping.

Maaan even my mom asked me if I was gay because she never caught me interested or dating a girl...

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Everyone in my family thought I was gay too.

Things never get better.

the bread looks great user, did you get the recipe and instructions?

Get on IRC, just talk, expose yourself to others, let your door open without trying to achieve anything. Just. Let your chat, mobile phone, whatever suggestive place that show that you are open to discuss, open and people will come to your door if you look like a warm and friendly person.
Also, build your world to be ready for the people to come into your life. Couch, interesting hobbies, reading books, watching movie, anything that is worth to discuss about.

I wish you love.

we don't have time for this! for the love of God , free the gluttens man!

Welcome to the party pal! Here in Burgerland we have these things called bars we can go to in order to temporarily feel better.

Yeah yeah I got the recipe it's on r/breaddit like the 10th most up voted there i think

Kys redditfag

Thanks for the advice! I am on a number of group chats in different programs. but don't get me wrong. I am a very social person. I have alot of very close friends and I like to think I am a trusted warm friend (a lot of people tell me their secrets).
I have alot of female friends I just could never make a move on any of them since I don't want to lose any.

And for some odd reason tons of people ask me for relationship advice and I don't know why.

Love you too user

My wife (of just 1,5 years) left me in februar and as always when a women goes, the lonliness is nearly killing me. Usually i would start a desperate attempt to find a new girl with online dating, but that takes month upon month because i'm an antichad.
I wanted this to stop so i bought pic related real doll.
I can tell you the sex is like the real thing and she helped me alot to deal with lonliness.

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Honestly. Power to ya my dude, but if I tried getting that in my country ill go to jail for a while. I'll stick to my hand for now :(

Don't get a wrong idea about what a "relationship" is, it is not as scary as you can imagine, it doesn't need to be a goal for you.
Maybe that, your friends are your friends and that you need to find another chat/place that you will dedicate to find people that you would build something more intimate and where you would be less know for being who you are, so you don't feel judged. Find a place with the lesser informations, no pictures, only anonymity, like IRC. It build less tensions, it takes a lot of time but writing is a waaaay smoother and poetic way to learn about someone.

Having desires or fantaisies is, maybe, a less civil part of yourself and more closer to your compulsions. It is perfectly fine.

Don't use dating apps, the philosophy is wrong, it is consumerism and people are there on the apps to consume their relationships.

Are you a Saudi or do you just happen to live there? If later, why not go to a western country?

Born and raised here in Saudi. I plan on going to Japan after finishing my bachelor's degree by December to learn the language and get a slight taste of culture shock.

I did live in America for 2 years but I was 17/18 and family were uber strict and didn't allow me to female friends.

Put yourself out there and learn your place on the totem pole. Learn where you stand in terms of social standing and attractiveness and then find the right girl for yourself.

I legitimately hope you die a painful death

You know what. Ill do just that now. Ill look for random group chats to join on telegram with a new slate. I'll see if there's less tension. I also deleted most my social media 3 days ago. I feel like I need a fresh start

>scared of women
>plans on going to Japan
stop being such a stereotype


Not op,


Ahhhh I know it's sounds like weeb shit. I'm self aware enough about that.

No I'm not afraid of women, as much as I am afraid of commitment and rejection. I am not socially awkward or have anxiety it's just that I have spent the first 22 years of my life not allowed to talk, look or have any contact with women. I think I am allowed to be anxious about this a bit

I hope you find some luck in Japan. If not, keep that doll idea in mind.
I spoon her nacked at night and it feels wonderfull. I only had cold, harsh, nightmarish nights since my wife left me, now if fall into sleep happy and calm, when i have my doll in my arms.
And my urge to meet another cunt that destroys my life as always, has vanished since my doll finally arrived last week after 7 weeks of waiting.

But again what's your ethnicity? When you are a sandnigger, you might not have much luck with japanese girls, they are pretty racist. When you are white, it should be easy to date japs

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Doesn't matter to me.
I am not going to Japan to date I am going for 3 months to see If I am comfortable enough to live there for 2 years. If I am, ill be going to get a master's degree. This was recommended by a relative of mine and a change of pace seems nice.

Also a perk of being a sand nigger is that I can have a back-up wife if the first one leaves me :)

How does finding a wife even works in Saudi, when there is no way to date girls? Are these all really just arrangements made by the families of the young couple?

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Also: Fuck some hookers when you are in japan!

Pretty much. You tell your mom you're ready for marriage.

She asks her Friends and relatives if they know a suitable bride of a similar or younger age.

You visit their house and see her if her father agrees.

They allow you to sit in a room and get to know each other for 20 mins and then if they both agree you're then engaged.

The engagement lasts around 6 months - 2 years and is now called the dating period. You can call her get to know her, visit her family and she visits yours. Or course you're not allowed to do anything sexual.

After that you get married pretty much.

Engagement now is pretty much legal dating but everyone has to know

46, handholdless virgin. You never stop feeling lonely. Know this now. You just learn to compensate and find things to occupy your time so your mind is focused on other things until you go to that empty apartment and crawl into that empty bed. Everyone will think you're wierd for being alone, and your solitude will further push women away because no one wants that. You just accept your position in life as a loner and move on.

>dating was illegal but now everyone is open to doing whatever
So the Jews finally corrupted even there, huh? Not even Islam can withstand Jewish degeneracy. This world is doomed.

If you are having trouble finding a woman it is usually just a reflection of internal problems. They can be best solved by focusing inward and focusing on things that really have little to do with women. Focus on all around self improvement and finding a woman just happens naturally when you become naturally enticing.

1) what are your daily habits? What time do you get up in the morning, do you excercise, how well structured is your diet?

2) what are your hobbies? Are you spending a lot of time on the couch or in bed, engaged in low value online activity feeding into a dopamine addiction? Do you have hobbies or interests that have you socializing with other people?

3) what is your job/career goals? Are you smart with money in general? Are you financially stable?

4) what is your overall level of fitness? Are you also doing what you can to maximize your hygeine and appearance? Taking care of your skin? Grooming? Are you fit?

If you are living in a way that leads to a high value life, you will more likely attract high value women. Get fit, read more, don't waste so much time online, count calories and macro nutrients, find hobbies that interest you but also put you out with other people, and just get your life on track going the way you want it. A lot of it comes down to habits, daily routines. When you are on track and feeling confident you naturally become desireable and women just notice it without you having to make any extra effort.

What a nightmarish shithole. I would never return after spending time in japan when i were you.
So far you never told your mom, that you are ready for marriage? Why not?

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I think of it as gambling. I Don't want a random woman my mom picked because "it was time".

I want to work hard and find one myself

Damn, that's some good looking bread, my I know what water:flour ration she used?

go out and meet girls user.
hooking up can be a numbers game.
you'll take a lot of rejections, but eventually you'll score.
finding one you want to keep is the tough one...
there are apps for that shit now that make it even easier than last time i was single too.

I feel you user, it's really common in the middle east because of male/female segregation at an early age. Fucks with your head and affects the way you act around women. You have options though. Option 1, arranged marriage (although it's most likely your cousin) Atleast you'll have a woman you can't push away and you know it's real. Option 2 find a fine QT Saudi chick on tumblr/Twitter and get to know her. Some of them really don't mind you slipping in their dm plus who gives a fuck might aswell try your luck. Also there are chicks in Saudi desperate to marry a half decent Saudi dude so search

Why you gotta be so loud tho?

But for real. My sleepy schedule is a mess but I do keep myself busy.

I do some 3d design and printing, wood work and I paint and do a lot of handy diy stuff.

Career wise im 6 months away from graduating as a software engineer so I do spend alot of time in front of the computer.

Fitness and health wise there is room for improvement. Whenever I am on break I workout and lose an insane amount of weight but regain it back as soon as the school year starts.

In the hygiene department I always get my hair cut and my beard lined up every 2 weeks and have tons of creams and hair products.

I think the main problem is my mental. I have no issue socialising and making friends now but inside I still feel like the fat kid who had trouble making friends in middle school.

This us the full recipe. Sge used half and half instead of milk and all purpose flour instead of bread flower

Exactly, man.
That early stuff fucks with you hard.

I just deactivated twitter 3 days ago. Most women over there are weirdly mean and just don't seem like good company. Some are really nice tho. Also about the desperation. Yeah some men from the last generation are absolute fucking assholes. They abuse them and steal their salary and trap them home. If I don't know what to do in any situation with my future wife ill just do the opposite of what they did...