Let me explain Trump's base by telling you about my dog.
My dog is the sweetest doggo ever created but he is dumber than a box of hair. He LOVES it when I throw the ball to him especially when, like Trump, I make a huge show about throwing the ball. I often pretend to throw an imaginary ball and every single time he froths at the mouth and chases after this invisible ball with the excitement and manic joy of a meth-head. Even though he knows I often trick him, he never fails to chase that imaginary ball. That is Trump's base - Even though he only throws out crackpot bullshit, they trust and adore him in the same way my dog looks at me with dopey eyes and tongue wagging, waiting for me to throw the next ball that doesn't exist.
One may ask why, but my dog could tell you the answer: because I feed him. Trump feeds his base with the bullying, racism, and outright hatred that they thrive on and nothing is going to stop them from chasing his tiny balls.
You think you are fooling the dog. Wrong. The dog wants to play and you are giving the dog what it wants. You ar doing the dogs bidding.
Robert Flores
Logan Jackson
Why don't you actually throw the ball for your dog and not be a dick? And you think it's Republicans that are "mean" and hurt your feelings? Fuck off, dog abuser.
Chase Stewart
trump voters are basically animals
John Hughes
True, but this is still probably a shill thread so fuck off jew
Sebastian Price
Xavier Rivera
only some of them house broken
Levi Morales
Didn't the left just say they'd vote for Biden even if he ate dead babies on TV?
When I don't throw the dog the ball how exactly is the dog winning? XD
Hudson Garcia
What am I shilling exactly?
Nicholas Parker
Way to play the insult game while being smug and condescending about it without actually telling us which policy the republicans (or Trump) got wrong or why he's the worst president ever. Btw, replace Trump with Bernie or any other politician. See how it works for everyone because you literally provided no actual argument or evidence to back up your claim? Smug ass leftists are the reason we're going to get another 4 years of Trump. Fkin morons.
Feed the hateful. Play their game. Make the nation run again.
Nathan Sanders
Lol and there you go. Another waa waa leftist who can't actually explain what is wrong with the republicans. "Shouldn't it just be obvious that orange man bad?".
Michael Reyes
It IS obvious to everyone not in your pathetic cult. The more you call everyone leftists and jews the smaller your circle of support gets. Educate yourself you fucking leech.
Carter Perry
And you get what you deserve. A senile pedophile. Keep voting democrat while they play with your titties and finger ur ass.
You have such a big brain OP. If only the rest of the world wasn't too dumb to recognize your amazing intelligence, I'm sure you could start the revolution and usher in Utopia instead of leaching off mommy then. They're all stupid racists it must be so very easy for someone as smart as you to trick them too. Well. Go ahead faggot. Do something other than cry.
Josiah Martin
>"Shouldn't it just be obvious that orange man bad?". Yeah, any person with half a functioning brain that can read his twitter or watch his press conferences or rallies comes to the conclusion that trump and the useful idiots that vote for him are idiots.
You are given reasons why trump is shit every day. every day. bleach, covid hoax, grab them pussies, paying pornstars, doing foolish tariff wars, withdrawal from treaties, being unreliable to allies, anything