Any advice for driving through mountains? Midwestfag here. Gotta drive through some in Colorado tomorrow...

Any advice for driving through mountains? Midwestfag here. Gotta drive through some in Colorado tomorrow, never have before. Anything pertinent I need to know?

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Use a tunnel. Just ramming it and hoping you'll make it through doesn't usually work.

Stay on the roads. Driving straight up the mountain doesn't work, even if you have a 4x4.

What vehicle are you using?

Go to dispensary. Fly over mountain

Honda Accord. I'll be taking paved roads, but I'm a bit nervous about the terrain itself, steepness, shit like that.

• give yourself plenty of time
• keep up with the weather news
• be aware weather can change in 15 minutes
• have a flashlight

Personally, I'd make sure there's gas in the car before trying to drive it

Pick up any hitchhiker on the way to keep you company. It can get boring

When you come down the other side, downshift into low gear (engine braking) instead of riding your brakes all the way down, which will overheat them.

If you hear banjo music, drive faster.

Just make sure you arent flooring your car and riding the brakes. An accord should do just fine. Be nice to the car and make sure you've got a full tank of gas. You should get an oil change and check your tire pressure before you head out. Fill up with windshield wiper fluid and check your spare.

This is good advice. Id probably make sure I breathe too.

most important thing : if you get a line of cars behind you, PULL OVER AND LET THEM PASS YOU

I would generally use the wheel to steer the car, it really helps. Hope this helps you.

Watch out for truckers.

just this

truckers are almost-always good drivers,
and RV renters are usually the worst

Coloradofag here.

Is your Accord good on brakes and cooling? If you have any overheating problems, you're going to find out tomorrow. An Accord is fine to get up to most high areas that are paved, not sure what's open yet as far as roads like Mt Evans go.

Be aware that fuel octane combusts slower at higher altitude. If you're using 87 normally, it'll act like 91-93 octane. Might end up feeling less powerful in the low range because of the timing going wacky.

Otherwise, have fun and pull over as you like. It's a pretty universally beautiful state to drive through.

No, I stick to it. truckers suck. But, I can definitely confirm RVs/trailers are the worst by far.

Also, watch your speed on the 7-9 degree grade downhills on I-70 and 285. Cops are out in force ticketing for speeding and if you're not used to driving downhill for 10 miles, it can be easy to get pinged for it.

Going down hill brake in intervals, don't stand on them or they'll over heat.
80% brakes 20% of the time is better than 20% brakes 80% of the time.

When going down slopes, don't use your breaks. Downshift. Your tranny can take it, but your brake pads will fail. I've seen it happen, and it's why we have those emergency runaway pulloffs on downgrades. Full gas tank, some water, and a little food is a good idea too, as cell coverage is patchy at best. In case of emergency and whatnot

As a CO user, this

Werr all fags in colorado. High ass fags

If your car starts running hot, turn on the heat with a high fan setting.

have fun, sending you good vibrations from canada

Pack some snacks and water in case anything happens, spare tire too. A flare gun would nice but your probably too poor to get one on short notice

Don't spend much time looking down. If you're not used to heights, it can give you vertigo. Seriously. White-knuckling the wheel while you have a 7,000 ft drop a few feet away can really fuck with your head. And when you see that squirrly looking curvey sign that says 15mph, they fucking mean it.

CB would be a better bet than a flare gun

Going up is always a bit of pain, specially if your car doesn't have the power. Don't underestimate the going down, take it slow.

Make sure you've got four inflated wheels on your car, it is not something you can skimp on.

jedi powers wouldn't be a bad idea, thought i'm not sure how they would help you travel through mountains

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Make sure your blinkers work, you do NOT want those to go out when you’re climbing a 10% grade.