Are you happy/satisfied with your life?
Are you happy/satisfied with your life?
not with a single aspect of it. never have been
Not at all.
I’ve made so many wrong decisions.
It’s still mine though, and always will be.
>Are you happy/satisfied with your life?
Yes. I have a wife and kids. I have more happiness than I deserve I’d wager.
its all about perspective.
You can never have those highs without those lows. A better question would be where are you at in that cycle. Currently, I'm on the low end due to many factors, even though I know in the future I'll have wealth that I've always wanted through crypto. The fact that I have no money, the fact that I don't have my dream motorcycle that costs around 5k~ usd or my dream car that costs around 20k~ usd. It makes me depressed sometimes to know that even though my goals are so low, they are still unattainable at the moment. All in time, I'm patient.
First time ever written it down and or thought about it completely, aside from a fleeting thought, I hate my ignorant wife.
Not what you think. Kids will only disappoint.
They are young now.
im 53 done as little as possible, never been hungry, always thanks to God very happy & i literally got nothing, no debt, no money, no worries.....never gave a fuck & never will. ill go out the way i came in.with love only.
With my life, yes. Am I, no.
No, I just double checked. I’m totally happy with things. My kids are only human. Just like their parents. They will fuck up. Everyone does. I’ll never not be there for them. That’s how my dad was through all of my bullshit and that’s how I’m going to be for my kids.
I'm the culmination of a series of bad decisions but I'm smart and wily enough to have bounced back every time. I should be thankful of how far I've come after all the shit I've been through, but I feel empty. I get happy ending massages to balance this out and spend too much time distracting myself. I used to be into so much shit, but I haven't had a hobby in a long time.
No, but I will try to not stop getting to my ideal life until I'm dead. That way I can at least say I died without regrets
No but its my fault
No, but I don’t see this as a negative. I see it as progress, not perfection. I stay hungry for progress, albeit small amounts of progress. You have to stay positive and not expect your world to become perfect. Small victories are realistic. Don’t be a victim, and allow patience and selflessness to be your guiding mantras. Keep it simple. If you expect perfection, or even “happiness” you’re setting yourself up to be miserable.
I'm a beta faggot. I've spent many years wishing I could wake up back on my first day of primary school as a girl. Now that I have three daughters of my own, I've stopped wishing this because I'd effectively be erasing them from existence. I hate being a man and don't even have the escape of fantasising. On the bright side I have a family who love me and own my home so there's that I suppose. What was the question again?
I'm sure your wife and daughters would be thrilled to find that out about their father.
All wrong as usual
if I was happy I would not be on Zig Forums.
The pic of the thread is from a movie or something?
OP asked and I answered. Don’t project your own insecurities and regrets on me. I know what I know about how I feel. I can’t help that your dad let you down kid. I won’t be like him with my kids. No worries there!
Kept it to myself for the last 40 years, what's another 30
I am enjoying the journey to my goals, peasants are petty and Jewish a f
Fuck poor folk
Never will be
Man you fuckin ended that faggot
literally what is the point of being sad
Why do Christians Hate Pagans?
Jesus is a hypocrat if he thinks they are less then animals when fucking Mohammad won't stop until every Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu has been slain for his global caphilate?
This is why Halloween is not a National Holiday and I find Christians to be pathetic in their beliefs fowards Pagans.
So why did you get married and have kids in the first place if you're a faggot.
You are fucking insane
Sauce on pic?
Are cunts actually happy? I couldn't be, knowing that everyone thought I was a cunt.
Sort of. My work ethic and determination is fucked but otherwise im not doing too shabby I think. Kind of a "grass is always greener" situation though isnt it?
Woah, you showed him, dude!
You're so badass!
Man, I really look up to y'all!
I think it's an old war movie
Its...okay at best.
Like I have good friends, a decent family lots of experiences under my belt, a house to live in a mind food to eat.
I'm just...lonely y'know? I put myself out there all the time and try not to give up to depression but man I could use a little love once in awhile too
Honestly, yes. I'm 30, live in the UK. I have a loving wife and family. We have regular sex. I genuinely love my job and make around 80usd. I have a mortgage and debt but it'll be paid in time. I love cars and I've got four of them. I spent a lot of time tinkering in my massive garage which makes me happy. I have friends, we meet and drink regularly, they like my wife and buy my kids stuff, which is nice. My only dissatisfaction is that I want more, I want a bigger house, more cars, and a threesome - with my wife and another girl, just because.
I'm only half faggot.
Yes and no. I have many highs and some lows. I’m always hustling working hard at my job and hobbies that give me satisfaction. Turned my hobbies into money making venture that pays for my other hobbies so I can enjoy life some more.
You are on / b/ and you have kids?
For there sake I fucking hope not. Their only future is being molested by a degenerate dad.
the only reason I haven't an herod is bc I can't muster up the give a fuck to make the effort
Not really
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and only got diagnosed in my 30's. I literally spent my late teens, my 20's and my early 30's not taking medication and so was utterly crazy.
I've spent about 15 years living like a nutjob and now I have to try and rebuild my life past my mid 30's.
Fuck my life!
Almost everything except that my girlfriend Iive with. I need her out of my house. We were going to breakup, but covid and shit she can't find a place blah blah blah.
I need a new woman. This one has become intolerable. I'm content in every other aspect of my life.
What are her three worst qualities
>they like my wife and buy my kids stuff
sounds like your wife may already be having threesomes while you tinker in your massive garage
Yea! I stay single and pumped.. Mid 30s so all ages want me. Lowest i ben with latley was 19.. Oldest 50.. Even got 500 dollars for fucking this dudes wife.
Stay single. Keep working out. Soon you will have married girls drinking your piss..
It was a genuine question.
100% ded
Mostly. I wish I enjoyed my youth more, but can't complain about how things turned out.
you're a retard
>crying like a little bitch
Why aren't you hate fucking her?
Always cum on her.
Mark her as your property.
Treat her like the piece of meat she is.
She'll find another place to stay.
It's very hard to stand out as a schizophrenic when it's normal to be absolutely fucking insane these days. The threshold for normal keeps going down and requires 'expert' analysis to identify.
For reference, my neighbor was doing fine regularly orchestrating the destruction of my home through Nazi graffiti (my parents are stupid) and bullying me off the streets, but only went south after getting real horny in college.
You fucking spics and niggers are ruining Zig Forums. Join up brothers against the subhumans. discord gg Snuqdr
Nah. My best mate is my wife's brother (which is how I met her five years ago). 100% trust her and I know I'm not a beta cuck. That shit isn't going on behind my back. I'm sorry that's the first place your mind goes to though man. You have a negative outlook.
... Proclaims loudly that his kids equal happiness
.... Lurks on 4 chan
Pick only one
Agradezco la invitación
Terry A. Davis?
It could be better. I’m just happy to be alive
My fucking sides
She's a woman. Do you need more reasons than that?