My sister feel asleep in my bed what should I do ?

My sister feel asleep in my bed what should I do ?

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Timestamp fag

Seduce her obviously

Get revenge and go to sleep in her bed.

pour gasoline on it

Shave his ass

wake her up and invite her to a nice, reasonably priced dinner with family and friends

cum in a jar
scoop it up with a syringe
put the syringe in her pussy
shoot the cum in her
let her get pregnant

Do I suck on her nipples or play with her cunt

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That’s honestly hot as fuck but I want to fuck her to make her pregnant

impregnate her already ffs

How do I make sure she won’t wake up?

Lick her bumhole.

if you fuck her, even better but she shouldn't notice that she got nocked up. Make sure she doesn't wake up and avoid cum leaking out of her afterwards so she doesn't expect anything, otherwise she's going to take plan b.

I don't know man how deep does she sleep?

cum on her face

spread her cheeks and post a pic of her asshole.


you still here OP ???

does she have armpit hair? Lift her arms and take a pic of her armpits.

She didn’t wake up from this so maybe I’m good .. kinda wanna stick Something in there

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Take a whole body picture

dammit nice and clean asshole, take a pic of her pussy too.

Tight holes! She’ll def wake but do it for the boys

Look and photograph, but do not touch.
She might even be awake and is showing off.

yeah that would be nice

perfect asshole, more asshole please.

Haha used her toothbrush

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take more pictures first before waking her up

wee need the puss too

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Idk how to get her cunt with out her waking up

get picture of your tongue inch away from asshole, feel free to take out your face, don't need it, just a tongue approaching her starfish.

Rolled her over

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Spread legs and take close-up of pussy

try to lift her leg and take a pic of her pussy

Damn is she drunk or dead ?

For you to be doing all this shit, she is either dead or drugged, and you are fucking sicko both ways

take a pic from a better angle and remove the toothbrush

thats the body of a middle aged woman, so it's probably his wife not sister

you know what to do

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take a full body pic

maybe hes sister is just fugly

Why do we care about some 41 year old fat chick?

Or this is a fucking larp with no timestamp

full body now, she's exposed completely you can do it Zig Forumsro


Is everyone here this stupid ?

>no time stamp

This shit is fake af and you all are gay af

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