Anyone ever piss on a girl?

Anyone ever piss on a girl?
Will be doing so tonight with pic related and I have never tried before.
Any tips? How do you prepare? Where do you do it? When do you do it (before/during/after)?

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It depends are you doing it with her knowledge or surprise pee pee ?

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I've only done it once, recently as well. My wife brought it up while she was showering. It was awkward as shit, I was nervous but I could see myself easing into it OP. I piss like 4000 times a day from excessive water intake. Best to stay hydrated I guess. Never know when the moment will strike. Personally I'm on the fence about it, but if she likes it hey

I'm undecided, what would you recommend as a first time? I'm thinking during a blowjob in the shower.

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In the shower is the best to do it for the first time, you can take it a step further but it depends how far she is willing to go. My girlfriend wanted to keep my piss in her mouth in the shower and start jerking me so it was harder for her to jerk me off, but it all depends on what both of you want and how far you two are willing to go.

Thanks for the reply. I guess it isn't for everybody. I will make sure I hydrate very well today. I want the pee to be clear for obvious reasons.

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Sure have. Hardest part is pissing through the boner. Drink lots of water first. The clearer the pee the less it smells, and the more likely she’ll let you do it again.

I think I'll avoid her face/mouth this time. Body only then ease her into it over time.

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I second the shower part, especially if she’s hesitant about it. Pissed on my wife in the shower a few times and she was ok with it, but she flipped out the one time we did it without the water running, and hasn’t let me since.

>The clearer the pee the less it smells, and the more likely she’ll let you do it again.
That's what I figure. Thanks

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My lady prefers it on her belly, face, or feet. Its hot seeing her so turned on (and naked)

Is she into it or is she humoring you?

Lucky you. My exgf used to swallow my pee, and I even pissed in her ass once. I miss it so much

Yeah, a bad reaction that prevents it from ever happening again it exactly what I want to avoid.

I took this girl from being a virgin to deepthroating, anal, eating my ass, etc. so I'm confident I can make it work with this next degenerate act.

She generally does what I say. Going to get her nice and stoned tonight as well.

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Again, lucky you. My wife broke down in tears and wouldn’t talk to me after I pissed on her without the water running. It’s been >10 years. Sucks.

Lol, wouldn’t talk to me for hours I mean. It’s been 10+ years since I pissed on her. I need to proofread

Damn RIP. I will do my best to avoid.

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Bumping for more stories.

Will you come back with your experience?

I will probably post a thread later tonight or tomorrow.

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Nice. Are you going to take pics?

Probably not since I will be in the shower and trying to focus lol

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I pissed all over my wife's face in the shower three years ago. She kneeled infront of me and told me to count down from three because she wanted to hold her breath.

I counted down and then had a nervous bladder and probably pissed at 10 seconds. It was then the longest piss in the world. I watching it cover her face, hair, and tits.

I wanted her to open her mouth but that never happened. I've wanted to do it again but she says no.

Sounds like you might have overdone it? What would you have done differently so that she would be willing to do it again?

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Nothing. She's not in to it.

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yeah, my chick was into degradation which I didnt know at that time
she's on her knees, I took her by the hair after fucking her brains out and pissed into her face in the shower
one time thing tho, not really "appealing" to me but some like it being degraded

also this
if its this yellowy stinky shit they dont like it
drink alot b4 and if its watery and clear its alright

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if she eats your fucking ass then pissing should be no problem bro
>took her from being a virgin
she's yours, just do it
don't ask, do it under shower , take her by her hair

Yeah, I'm tempted to go this way. She likes the humiliation and loss of control. But it's risky, if it's too much for her it might close the door forever. So for this reason I'm going to take it a little slow, but you're right I was never planning on asking. She basically does whatever I want so I'm not too worried.

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ur vid?
thats based lmao
but yeh overdoing things may turn her off but I think ull be gucci my nigga

You're a fag with a fake pic.

>ur vid

k lol

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