So if a social construct exists entirely in the mind, but as a learned concept only by definition...

So if a social construct exists entirely in the mind, but as a learned concept only by definition, then how can someone be born having a predetermined "gender identity"? At birth, there's just chromosomes and DNA, no experiences or learning related to the concepts of sex or gender. When does "gender" kick in?

We know humans are not infrequently chimeras of multiple siblings in the womb, including of different biological sexes. Meaning something somewhere in your body is of a different genetic makeup, and even biological sex. Including in your brain, where your self-image and sexual attractions originate.

So, transsexuals are a thing that makes sense, because biological sex can be a blurred line in some people. But trans "gender" is, again by definition, entirely in the mind, and something learned from society.

So why do people legitimize it? It's the same as saying you're trans-national, where you feel that you were born in the wrong nation. That just would be crazy talk, right? Nations are a social construct too, by definition, so what's different with "gender"? "Gender" represents nothing more than stereotypes associated with traits of the most common biological sexes, so it's a patriarchal term that should be abolished. Most languages don't even have it as a concept anyway, because it's made up.

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>then how can someone be born having a predetermined "gender identity"?
the identity is placed on them when they are born, according to the genitalia they were born with (or, if they're intersex, a gender is selected). but the point is that it is always one or the other, and expectations according to that selection are forged from then on (blue for boys, pink for girls, footballs for boys, dolls for girls).

>But trans "gender" is, again by definition, entirely in the mind, and something learned from society.
surely that means it is even more susceptible to change? most people would argue that sex is fixed.

>It's the same as saying you're trans-national, where you feel that you were born in the wrong nation
are there not people who hold two different passports? transnational is certainly a thing. some people are born in a country but take their parents' nationality.

you have identified the contradiction at the heart of transgenderism: that it seeks to reject the concept of gender, but then reifies it by crossing from one side to the other as a binary choice.
that said, many people do identify as 'non-binary' these days.

myself, I can't understand being trans, for I am not trans myself. however, if they want to do their thing and it doesn't affect me, then I don't care.

>surely that means it is even more susceptible to change? most people would argue that sex is fixed.

So sex is fixed, so bring a transsexual is something you'd be born with, but being transgender is something you'd decide on yourself, since it's like deciding to become a citizen of another nation. Is that what you're saying? That makes sense to me.

>are there not people who hold two different passports? transnational is certainly a thing. some people are born in a country but take their parents' nationality.

So you're saying parents can impose a nation and a gender on their child, and that a person can choose a nation or gender later, but they're all mental constructs? I think we're on the same page. Basically, anyone can decide to be transgender, and it's not something you can be born with.


What if you're a biological chimera with a penis but the brain and body of a woman? It's not only biologically possible, it's common. So by that logic, you're saying you'd label them as a "man" even though that's wrong obviously.

What about someone with kleinfelter syndrome? Or someone who's intersex or a hermaphrodite? Where their junk isn't even clearly one or the other? Your system of just two labels based on genitals won't work for every situation.

>no experiences or learning related to the concepts of sex or gender.
not true. you have a very 20th century understanding of genetics

ill comment, as an unfortunate chimera.

the assigned fe/male at birth is what your parents present and raise you as. you dont have a concept of gender but society does and the way society and your parents treat you, develops into your gender identity.

unfortunately when theres 7 billion+ people, its going to lead to a lot of biological problems. brains being damaged, physical problems and chimeras. its a numbers game. so while transSEXuals are born that way, transGENDER people are nurtured into that way. either by their choice, the choice of others or their environment, their perception changes.

nations arent really social constructs because theyre valid and exist. most nations are determined and split up by rivers. in which case, that load of land is a nation, its nationals are buried there and the land provides for the nation. transnationals is never going to be a thing, its just stupid being stupid.

because my standpoint is unclear ill try to clear it. i make a distinction between transsexuals {chimeras} and transgenders. being a transsexual doesnt need you to transition, transgender does.

BUT, the distinction is purposely blurred in communities in an attempt to validate the pedophiles, fetishists, perverts and autistics. ive been bullied for stating the difference as a chimera and told that were the same, when were not.
i believe that almost all transGENDERs shouldnt transition and instead should go through intense therapy and psychologists. as i have, since birth and as long as i can remember, ive been meeting therapists, doctors, psychologists and having tests and even then, my regular doctor was reluctant to go forward with transitioning.

yet transGENDERs have 3 meetings and suddenly theyre transitioning? thats money talking.

Where is this garbage from?
Sounds like you're in the wrong major.

Lotto wins are also apparently common

The trick is to redefine words on the fly, invent new meanings for old words, contradict and confuse, verbally attack dissenters, and declare victory. Create a convoluted mess of contradictions and hypocrisy. You don't have to believe your own words, you just have to score verbal sparring points using any means necessary. I believe in you.

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>Masculine and feminine are modes of consciousness and ways of experiencing life
I feel like I have a learning disability whenever I try to understand what a gender is.
I'm 0/100. At a complete loss.

So what makes someone feel "transgender"? Could it be that they're actually transexual? Or addicted to a fetish/autogynephilia? Or have some other more conventional mental illness? I'm guessing it's all of the above.

"What it means to be a" is different than just being fucked up and genetically mismatched when you're in utero.

Though are either completely possible. Yes.

Not 1 in 20 like chimerism. What other parts of science do you deny? Are you a flat Earth creationist?

>have penis
>mind of woman
You are mentally Ill. You only think you have the mind of a woman, based on conceptions that are wrong and make a mockery of real women. What makes a gender is the total experience of biological factors. Society has absolutely nothing to do with gender other than spreading the dissonance and trends of mental illness. Fags can dress like women, but you cross the line when you believe you are or can be a legit woman, and supporting anyone who does that is enabling self destruction.

Does that mean that it's always the case when EA fucks up a game?
No, just catch the bad ball.

So nature can't just fuck up sometimes?
You must also thing that because you're a whale and you eat too much that genetically, it's not your fault.

It's a pic I grabbed off Google, and I majored in software so this is just uneducated speculation.

Nature doesn't fuck up. Though it can create evolutionary dead ends in its mutations. This is why trannies kill themselves, and don't procreate. Being mentally Ill is a dead end.

So you're denying that hermaphrodites and chimeras exist? If you deny science and reality, you can't just join a logical debate and act like an equal in any way, you retarded sheep. Adults are talking here.

So you're saying that nature can fuck up and create someone with the the mind of a woman but with a penis, but that they're a dead end and should kill themselves. You're projecting heavily obviously, since that's clearly cognitive dissonance, since you said the opposite earlier.

Anyway I'm sure you can tell all the kids you'll surely have that transsexuals are an evolutionary dead end who deserve to die, along with anyone else who can't or doesn't have kids apparently.

Genetic defects....period

Nigga, hermaphrodites are like 1 in 10 million. You retards pretend you are that 1 in 10 million. You're not. No amount of sophistry is going to turn you into anything but a fag who lies to himself.

u worry to much nobody cares... ppl will fuck anything.. step in line on the ppl being fucked.. do u is my point...

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>It's not only biologically possible, it's common.
lmao, no

There is no such thing as the "mind of a woman" outside a biological woman. Nature can and does produce defective mutations, such as the people who believe the shit you're selling here about chimeras and hermaphrodites. True hermaphrodites don't want anything to do with the trans community. Why? You are just fags fetishizing and roleplaying as women.

Chimeras are more like 1 in 80.

no because by being transSEXUAL, youll likely have it on your medical records. and the mentality in my opinion, isnt the same. for example, tests have been done and shown that in me my brain shape and size is female and that almost entirely my brain activity is that of a womans up until a short spike in which its partly a mans activity, caused by testosterone my body gives out {i was a guinea pig as a child, i was injected with so much to do tests}. the only psychological issue is the confusion that causes me, medically speaking me technically having gender dysphoria isnt an illness because me, the brain, is literally stuck inside the wrong sex body.

a lot of it is a fetish. look anywhere and youll find `sissies` who claim to be transgender, pedophiles that dress up like little girls, `translesbians` that prey on real lesbians.
and as for it being a mental illness, yes. but i think its a slim portion of them.
based on history, autism was diagnosed as quickly and commonly as gender dysphoria is being. gender dysphoria is the new autism. researchers and therapists have milked autism too much, gender dysphoria is the new money bush to pick.

chimerism is common but its NOT common for transsexual chimerism, meaning that the brain is effected so much so that a brain scan will look as though its female or the brain will be female entirely.
for most people? it can be something as far as, their saliva being a different consistency, body hair and such. things that youd never notice, unless you specifically go into a lab to be tested for it which is a waste of time and money.
so its more, chimerism is common but the kind of chimerism that effects people a lot is even rarer, and the kind that effects the brain is even rarer.

Officially, transsexuals are transgenders who have transitioned. There are those who claim the difference between the two being more specific whereby a transsexual has strong urges to be a different sex, social customs or not, while the transgender is inclined to associate with the opposite sex's social customs alone. The typical argument towards the legitimacy of transgenders follows that if gender is a social construct than the social characteristics which transgenders feel attached to are also social constructs, which devalues the existence of any real dysmorphia and that it is instead a social problem(i.e. society values the wrong things for certain sexes). That is the common argument of modern day gender studies - that if a person of a sex feels strongly enough about social customs to want to change gender than the notion of gender norms is wrong.

They are not to be confused with intersexed people. Although the intersexed are the strongest real argument in favor of the legitimacy and existence of at-birth transgenders/sexuals.

On the other hand, there are studies showing innate social customs from young kids who had yet to be socially indoctrinated. This philosophy of natural innate customs, however, would only help reinforce the legitimacy of transgenders/sexuals. Seeing as if we are to accept that gender norms are innate then the feelings of a transgender/sexual to identify with the other's innate customs are that much more natural.

In my opinion, it's a little bit of both innate and social customs at play. It's like the nature vs. nurture debate - a bit of both. I think the existence of intersexed people proves the complexity of the human genome, but that we have as a species raised slaves to believe that they deserve to be that person's sex toy and enjoy it.

Humans are fucked. Let's not worry too much about who's being brainwashed and who really feels someway

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Studies have found transexual and homosexual brain differences. And chimeras exist. You're talking out your ass. You can't act like an equal here when you don't have your basic facts straight.

Not true. You twist shit to suit your narrative. Chimeras are rare, and don't have shit to do with your peepee tucking.

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Gender dysphoria can be cured with schizo drugs:
>There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then

It ain't complicating:

>Some people are born retarded
>Some people can be trained to be retarded
>Just cause we can train them doesn't mean others aren't born retarded

>What about someone with polydactylya? Or someone with syndactyly or chopped off fingers? Where their webbed fingers aren't even clearly one or the other? Your system of just five fingers won't work for every situation.

The diagnostic manual for psychiatry listed transgender as an illness until the screeching and the outrage culture took over.

I don't think there is a single gender "scientist" who has thought about this subject as deeply as OP. It's just a smoke screen to push post-modern political ideology.


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read, youre grossly wrong.
no shit homosexual and transSEXUALs are different, ones a sexuality and ones a biological mistake.

rare doesnt do it justice, its close to impossible. even saying 1 in 10000000 is laughable and likely wrong.

>It's not only biologically possible, it's common.
Then you can easily point us to multiple well documented cases of this happening. Including cases where upon autopsy it was confirmed that the transgender individual in question was confirmed to have a neurobiology consistent with the gender with which they identified. And that the findings would with stand peer review.