Filename thread

Filename thread

Attached: valve playtesters.jpg (1111x635, 127.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: World of Warcraft expansions.jpg (1030x991, 266.67K)

Attached: E3 2018.png (646x216, 103.98K)

Attached: Mouse Sensitivity [10].webm (240x426, 310.8K)

Attached: Borderlands.png (743x531, 215.66K)

Attached: Playtesters leaving Valve HQ.gif (271x200, 593.56K)

Attached: watchdogs2.png (320x240, 130.99K)

Attached: Rollercoaster Tycoon stations.jpg (640x640, 68.42K)

Attached: platinum games train simulator.gif (400x225, 2.57M)

Attached: DOTA Artifact reveal.gif (500x230, 1.94M)

Attached: nintendo badge arcade.gif (500x320, 483.97K)

I'm gonna post this picture every time someone asks what's the difference between Zig Forums and reddit

needs a filename

Attached: ..jpg (738x738, 52.17K)

I worked with that guy once and he's an even more insufferable faggot IRL than he is on twitter

That said, "my son was playing fortnite AND..." was something I heard a few times from project leads in the last few years.

I wanna know how this story ends. What did they change?

Attached: CHA build.webm (720x540, 2.8M)

not the cute mouse :(

Attached: Steam customer support.jpg (533x300, 28.15K)

Attached: Chess by Platnium Games.gif (460x258, 959.45K)

Final fantasy XIII-2

Attached: 99% chance to hit.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

That kid was right if he's talking about the first game

Attached: 99% chance to hit.gif (210x210, 3.28M)

Attached: Like, Scoob, there's something about this mirror....webm (970x600, 805.94K)

What the fuck

Has the snek autism?

Attached: an ancient evil awakens.webm (640x480, 1.45M)

Attached: no mr bond i expect you to buy.png (441x394, 510.33K)

God I'm so glad I don't live in big cities. Do these people even know how nice actual night is?

Attached: nier boss fight.webm (480x720, 398.12K)

Attached: random encounters.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

What's happening

Negress dispatcher has no empathy

Old Zig Forums thread about knocking signs in front of public cams

Attached: needs a file name.png (540x406, 348.03K)

Is this legal for a 911 dispatcher?

Attached: 1564581821445.jpg (420x336, 35.83K)


speech builds

Attached: joining a mmo that's older than 6 months.jpg (1280x720, 317.49K)

>holy crap Batman
I have seem some fags on here say that and always thought it was lamest gayest thing to say and these are the kinda fags to say it..: like pottery

Attached: 1A0A34DB-7DF8-48BF-9E80-48EA1B0E2283.png (800x600, 20.59K)

Attached: Shulk predicts the match starting in 60 seconds.jpg (400x451, 34.09K)



Attached: I'm sorry John, I was so hungry.jpg (744x708, 78.87K)

It was a beaner.

Attached: nothing of value was lost.png (655x594, 75.09K)

Attached: Gacha.png (465x553, 265.17K)


what an awful filename

Attached: Prophunt.webm (720x404, 782.6K)

Attached: New Character joins your Party.webm (1280x720, 743.4K)

Probably one of those special snowflakes who constantly gets offended on twitter.

he's right if he's talking about any of the games

>filename threads no longer allowed on Zig Forums

Welp, we had a good run, but it's over. This site is infested with retarded tranny mods.

>moved to Zig Forums
What the fuck?
That's the first time i've seen a filename thread being moved to here

Attached: fighting game characters.jpg (1200x1197, 109.88K)

Hey Zig Forums? Play any vidya lately?

mods = fags

Attached: IPoopedALittle.jpg (1056x594, 287.09K)