Zig Forums, do you consider yourself alt-right? I read an article that says "the alt-right is creating their own dialect on Zig Forums", followed by basic Zig Forums terms such as femoid and chad. So, are we all alt-right and we just don't know it?
Zig Forums, do you consider yourself alt-right...
Josiah Rodriguez
Nolan Allen
The only board that has any actual political leanings is Zig Forums because its designed to be a fascist containment zone. The vast majority of users simply enjoys the anonymity and being contrarian to get a rise out of somebody else. Almost all threads are designed to get you angry or frustrated, not to exchange actual ideas.
Grayson Perez
Logan Kelly
Well if you read an article that says that I guess it must be true. I'm altright, you're altright, we're all altright.
Dylan Miller
Zig Forums doesnt consider itself.
Hunter Moore
I love Bernie and AOC but yeah I'm probably alt right since I'm the hacker Zig Forums.
Mason Lewis
I'm a commie lol
Liam Williams
Fuck the alt right.
Communism is the only way.
Anthony Ross
Fuck yeah dude
Tyler Rivera
mr hacker man, Anonymous.