Zig Forums, do you consider yourself alt-right...

Zig Forums, do you consider yourself alt-right? I read an article that says "the alt-right is creating their own dialect on Zig Forums", followed by basic Zig Forums terms such as femoid and chad. So, are we all alt-right and we just don't know it?

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The only board that has any actual political leanings is Zig Forums because its designed to be a fascist containment zone. The vast majority of users simply enjoys the anonymity and being contrarian to get a rise out of somebody else. Almost all threads are designed to get you angry or frustrated, not to exchange actual ideas.

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Well if you read an article that says that I guess it must be true. I'm altright, you're altright, we're all altright.

Zig Forums doesnt consider itself.

I love Bernie and AOC but yeah I'm probably alt right since I'm the hacker Zig Forums.

I'm a commie lol

Fuck the alt right.

Communism is the only way.

Fuck yeah dude

mr hacker man, Anonymous.