Anyone got a reliable supplier for fingerbox modkits? is down due to the fucking bat plague

Anyone got a reliable supplier for fingerbox modkits? is down due to the fucking bat plague

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If a box is worthless enough that you'd risk modding it, it's not worth modding at all.
Unless you make your own mods for the throw-aways. Then who cares?

We're not all purists like you faggot. If you haven't even used a fingerbox with a smoothed torque resistor don't comment

A guy in my town used to sell mods for these, but he ended up getting busted, good times

I'm just sayin' - you don't want to ruin its collectible (added) value with some plastic Chinese shit. Don't have to get hostile.

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If you aren't building your own you are doing it wrong.

What's a fingerbox's purpose?
I can only assume, since this is Zig Forums, you guys use mods for nefarious purposes. Like breaking or severing fingers.

Pleb underage faggot never had a fingerbox

Look at the underage faggot and laugh

I'm with this guy, wtf is a finger box? Also I'm 20 years old... Not like y'all will believe me but fuck it

If only I waited a few more years to sell mine. Man I'd make a mint, it was a first gen with the velvet interior, and the Timken bearings.

God damn it. I haven't been on Zig Forums long enough... Shits a joke. Fuck you fags

newfag GTFO reddit

bs my 3x1 just arrived in the mail, pale Scandinavian cedar with 19mm finger holes

This motherfucker has never used tor.

that motherfucker still uses google...

>Timken bearings.

Was it used? Timken bearings wear out after like a month, so no-one wants used. (That's why new are worth so much now)

Ain't a fuckin new fag, been here for 3 years. Your fucking kike nigger faggot
End your shit life

Why the fuck does It matter?

>3 years

Bruh that’s still newfag
>inb4 samefag
You’re just fucking dumb

I lost my fingerbox so now i do this

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>True story inbound
>How I got my first boxhole finger meme box
>Watching Tool Time with my Dad
>He is 3 sheets gone to some Wild Turkey
>Tim Allen grunts, dad wakes up and pisses himself a little
>Uncle and Grand Parents walk through the door
>Uncle is drunk and horny, been drinking jager, redbull and viagra
>Calls it a Sonic the Hedgehog, cause it makes you fast and horny
>Cause Sonic has horns and moves fast
>Grandpa has 2 bags and new pants
>Grandma bought them to big with no belt
>Gramps pants fall, free ballin, penis looks like a naked mole rat
>Uncle see some cheeks and pops his pickle out
>Granpa trying to pull up pants and hold bags, bends over
>Uncle see the troll swamp appear, works up a loogie for lube
>Hits a bullseye, playtime is orge he yells
>Grandma is trying to wake my dad
>Uncle parks the bolonga bus in tranpa's mangina
>Gramps clenches as hard as his brittle bones will allow
>Uncle fills him up like a canoli and passes out right after
>Grandpa feels his pink sock and pushes it back in
>Reaches into the bag with a shit, cum covered hand
>Pulls out a pristence finger box, 4 holes very rare he said
>He holds close to my face to enjoy the rich wood smell
>The shum hand bumps my nose, Thank You grandpa
>I can't wait to tell my friends on Zig Forums about it

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>Not knowing silky smooth L-joint in the Yarbrough Wood feeling

Sure thing, newfag

Barely used, I got it late, and ended up getting the gen 2 a few days later.

It matters because you're not going to find them unless you're on the deep web

Really? What defines new? It's your opinion not a fact. Shits relative. Some one could easily come on here and say I'm not a newfag. Your argument is trash

Didn't ask why it matters to "YOU". Why the fuck should I care?

Kek. Sounds like newfag REEE to me.

Can y'all shut the fuck up and recommend a site for me?

Coronavirus has made it very difficult to obtain medical grade fingerboxes.

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