I had to stop doing suicide watch because the amount of Tranny's wasting my fucking time. While I was trying to help real people.
I had to stop doing suicide watch because the amount of Tranny's wasting my fucking time...
You had a 40% failure rate user
Why couldn't you get it up
psy op.
They get the world handed to them, yet they still find a way to bitch. I only help doomers at this point, but even the culture in their community is fucked from people.
What do you mean by doing suicide watch? Are you a prevention hotline operator or something?
They all say go to college. I stopped going because the teachers were getting fired because they were using the wrong pronoun.
I had to stop because I felt like I was killing more trannys than saving more people.
nigger pieces of shit
Yeah I did it because my friend wants to kill himself and one of my other friends did.
oh you mean the chaos emeralds?
this friend wouldnt live in fwb fl would he? she?
I still can't believe twitch exposed him.
Did they think he wouldn't get bullied?
Are they retarded?
I feel bad man. Tranny's should have their own suicide hotline.
No he lived in Eugene Oregon. I saw this ghost at his house.
“I am a pieces”
I drew in the lines. I feel like a retard posting that image.
You're full of shit user, you telling me the highest suicide rate is 'people wasting your time' sounds like you're the last kinda twat a suicide hotline needs... Less empathy than a goldfish.
My brother the tranny. Maybe you're right. But when your Superior they're telling you that you can't tell them logic. You can only tell them thing that you know that happened proven that will kill them. Then I'm probably not the best guy for the job. You can get some brain dead fuck to tell the trainees to feel good inside until they kill themselves. Yeah no reality in suicide watch is allowed. We're only helping to kill trannies. So yeah probably less than me is good. But I do miss and we'll miss helping regular people.
I wrote this all retarded. Basically the job anyways if you're doing it you're killing tranny's. People who work suicide watch are souless just killing trannies.
Why do all of friends want to die?
cus we're not free user. we all just want love, but all we can get is fake love from a fake society.
i felt like killing myself yesterday but not today.
I used to think that, but then I just started jacking it do bisexual porn and when I felt down I got myself a pint of Ben and Jerry's
lol thats the spirit user. whatever gets you out of a rut is good enough. It's all just mental bullshit anyways. The good and the bad.
Nah man, OP is right. I used to do crisis line work as part of my degree and the suicide shit is easy, but the weirdos eventually wear down your empathy.
It's 99% of the job.
Hard to use the right pronoun when there is more than 70 of the fucking things. It's not like they walk around with a sign saying "I'm a whatever" and even if they did I would stomp their heads in
who are the weirdos? cus normal people don't want to commit suicide.
also normal people don't visit Zig Forums.
Mostly people that want attention and can't find a real relationship.