Hey Zig Forums, a lot of you are pretty smart.
So here is a question for you;
Why are the vast majority of serial killers male?
Hey Zig Forums, a lot of you are pretty smart
Because women obviously aren't strong enough to get past more than a couple murders.
idk dude google it
The vast majority of people who do anything worth noting are male.
probably because gun ownership is primarily a male hobby, like making pipe bombs or napalm grenades, its stuff guys do when you're hanging with your bro's....whereas women gossip and bake stuff, or go shopping.....probably has something to do with having the confidence to pull of a mass murder, men are more aggressive then women because of testosterone....or something
Sadism happens more often in males
I don't know why, just is
Men and women think differently.
Men are more practical and calculated while women are more emotional and empathetic.
Society makes men aggressive? Or testosterone.
Wonder what percentage of homicides by women involve poison and nonviolent methods? Would be a cool statistic if it's out there.
I think the forms that sociopathy takes in females just aren't recognized.