I have this 400 year old window and every time the wind blows through it and I feel sick and tired. The wind is literally always blowing strong as fuck here. What do
Can a window be toxic? Do I have to move rooms?
I have this 400 year old window and every time the wind blows through it and I feel sick and tired. The wind is literally always blowing strong as fuck here. What do
Can a window be toxic? Do I have to move rooms?
you're gonna be ok OP, we're all gonna be ok
If it’s got lead paint or something user
Can lead paint really be toxic like that? I heard you have to actually eat chips of paint.
lead is only toxic if you ingest it or inhale vapours, and ain't no lead paint going airborne unless the house is on fire
So I can rule lead paint?
how does one rule paint user, i don't follow
Yeah but I have an air conditioner in it unless I can put that around it
Rule out sorry user
>in it unless I can put that around it
Maybe it's not the window but the A/C unit. The A/C unit could have mold in it. Could clean it out...
yes you probably could put it on top of it since the window unit usually sticks out on the outside but only protrudes into the interior just a little bit. It's basically a large plastic bag that you fasten to the wall around the window to make an air seal.
Nah I feel it in the winter and brand new ac. It literally always corresponds with wind.
Alright man I’ll check it out thanks
You probably got some black mold there. get rid of it. that shit is actually dangerous.
google: Legionnaire's Disease
Literally how? I was thinking of spraying vinegar and shit in there.
Can black mold grow in a window? Why would they design it so shitty?
Take the window out and put up a tent
I once heard an history that a hause had some bacteria, mold or something, and everyone in the house almost died, they also felt sick like you, once i find it ill post it
if there is water getting in the wall from a leaky window frame, could blow mold spores into the room. If it's not the window that's leaking could be the framing around the window. Removing the trim around the window could expose this. An old wood window could easily allow water infiltration into the wall where mold grows. Wind pressurizes the wall which then blows that into the room. If sealing around the window and the frame fixes the issue, it could be mold in and around the window frame/trim.
I'm sorry young one but yes, that is absolutely possible and likely and not bad design or anything. shit happens. there are special mold cleaners. you should be able to find it in any well sorted store.
but i assume the mold will be in between the glass panes as well and in all little cracks and crevices. it might not be possible to get rid of it. in wich case this window needs to be replaced.
There you go, you are fucked!
Use a spray bottle with some bleach to kill mold. Protect other areas, its bleach after all. A tight house will make you sick way faster then this. In fact the movement of air in your house if the windows seal that crappy is a good thing (from the point air air quality issues) You should be healthier in this house then a tight one. Honestly the air movement is causing you anxiety, read up on the physical side effects of anxiety. It could very well be this. You are feeling the effects of "billy shut the window you'll catch a cold"
too much is made of black mould. yes it's gross and can cause allergies and respiratory inflammation but that' actually quite rare, and it certainly isn't toxic like people say. it's just contaminating your air with particles you shouldn't have in your lungs, similar to dust etc.
Guess you should just burn the house down, you helpless piece of shit
I 100% believe it but I have a curse trapping me here. Every time I found a way out something bad happens.
Yeah I don’t know what the fuck to do. I keep trying to leave and get stuck here this all my parents mess.
I’m ordering a mold test kit
He is making a complaint as he may very well be sensitive to mold like I am. If he was not complaining, we wouldn't be bringing it up.
of course it's no reason to panic but you're too relaxed about it. it's not true that it's no real danger. it can certainly ruin your quality of life completely.
I thought it was anxiety too but my symptoms are all physical. It’s gotten to the point where I can tell it’s windy outside without looking. Like I’ll wake up stuffed up as shit or with my eyes burning and be like yup it’s windy and look outside and all the trees will be sideways from the wind.
I have another room in the house I can sleep in but it’s literally a cramped storage closet with a mattress in the floor and no air conditioner...
Will spraying help?
>ordering a mold test kit
best thing to do user, and if that doesnt work then its because you are living in chernobyl or something, hope you the best.
I have suffered from anxiety. You are underestimating the physical effects of anxiety. We are not talking about being stressed about an exam, this is true anxiety. Your subconcious is at work here especially when you are sleeping. Recognizing it will help over time to the point you know exactly when it is happening and then goes away.
If you can't see it, it could be rather pointless. Seal off the window area first and go from there. Maybe you should go to the outside of the window and clean it thoroughly. This sort of reminds me of the issues my mom experienced with her aluminum sliding glass door. Condensation + dirt allowed mold to grow on the door. So I would have to clean the door runners and pull the door off the slider and clean thoroughly all around so that she wouldn't complain about the smell of mold. I did this once a year until she put a better insulator so that water from the interior wouldn't condense on the slider during the winter.
...further. Do you clench your teeth or have the effects of it when you do it when you sleep by having sore TMI jaw joints. How's the back of your head down your neck feel pressure and tightness?
you're projecting.
why do you think it's more likely OP is as fucked up in the brain as you are?
I have some experience with windows, at least plastic windows. I don't think your window is 400y old. It looks more like 40 years old. I used to have same windows in poland ~1980.
Old windows can be painted with hazardous paint. I would recommend to buy a pvc window. They will stop the wind, make your room silent and comfy.
I mean it could be anxiety. I used to never feel it when I was younger or notice the wind. I don’t know what the fuck to do. I’m paranoid of running a mold test kit and finding out I have mold. My parents are dumb asses and live in this broken down third world shit house.
I don’t smell mold or anything my room just either smells clean or on windy days I smell fucking stale wind 24/7. I noticed it’s worse on days that are humid or extreme cold.
Looks like mold right underneath the trim. You probably have water getting into the window and therefore into the window frame. If you pop the trim off the wall, you probably will see a bunch of mold behind that trim. You can kill the mold but it will come back because the window is leaking.