Why do Asian women love big white cock so much? And why do they reject Asian men?

Why do Asian women love big white cock so much? And why do they reject Asian men?

This is a thread for Asian women that love big white cock! Post 'em boys!

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Qanon is here

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Any pics of this thot?

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Cause white dudes are bigger and more attractive than asian guys.

Because women of all races know fucking an asian man is like this.

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Its bait u absolute jamokes

Lived in Japan and Korea for some time: most Asian dudes are beta and have small dicks. Hence their fondness for the WC

That's part of the bait you moron

you know asian girls prefer BIG BLACK COCKS right? no one wants to play around with sub par, small white dicks. asian girls fucking crave BLACK cock

Lived in couple Asian countries few years, Asian guys are mostly beta and got them small cocks so it’s obvious why they want white dudes.

I live in Houston now and have been fucking Asians there and all over north TX. Mexican by the way.

my asian dick prefers black boi pussy

nothing makes me harder than hearing "MASSA DINGDONG MILK ME GOOD!"

Oh they like black cock too... of course. A black and a white man can get an asian girl no problem. Only cock they do not want is small asian dick.

That said, in most cases it seems they want white men over black, because they usually want a man that has a job and some money to treat them right too. With whites, they get the best of both worlds.

Awesome dude. So Asian women like Mexican cock too... right on. It seems the only cock they do not like is Asian. LOL

Race traitors get the wall

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what the fuck is wrong with you niggers

also saeg in all fields

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man you guys are really hurting me ego here, but my dick is pretty average even for white person and im not even an adult yet.

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You know Asian men are conquering black pussy in Africa right now, right?

Yeah man they liked mine at least and like the romantic spanish songs even if they can't understand it. The sluttiest Asians would have to go to Vietnamese girls in my opinion. A lot of them are down to fuck after the first date, there was one that let me fuck her in the ass then cum all over her face. Afterwards she wiped it all off with her fingers and ate it. I miss her.

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I lol

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Awesome bro. I always find most Asian women ask me to cum inside their pussies... you have to watch for that, they always like to be breeded... just not with Asians.

This actually answers OP’s question.

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So asians are going to start spreading aids, ebola, crime, and low intelligence as well besides corona and squint eyes?

I like the Chinese and Vietnamese girls in Toronto. You are right, they are easy to fuck and most will let you fuck them on the first date. I think it is a toss up between the Chinese and Vietnamese girls as being the sluttiest.

>Why do Asian women love big white cock so much?
You just answered your own question. Asian women love white men.

Sure... poor village African women will marry an asian for money. But they will cheat on them, because they will still crave some real dick. LOL

>why do they reject Asian men?
White men are taller, make good money, and generally more confident and masculine.

Every Asian boi has a at least one sister, gf, wife, or cousin etc. who will end up like this.

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Yeah because they want to have a Nigger bastard child, where the parents disinherits her. Cmon Nigger have common sense. Even woman Nigger don't want male Nigger.