There is skeleton inside me

There is skeleton inside me.

What now?

Attached: KNiD.jpg (348x236, 21.67K)

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How do you know this is true?? If so this is pretty sp00ky and should be taken very seriously

try to befriend it by drinking alot of calcium. This is done for two reasons. First you want the skeleton to like you, because you need it's structural support. Second, you want it to be strong, so it can support you better

Fuck that shit you want it to like you so it doesn't fucking kill you from the inside out. Removal isn't an option and if he ever decides to leave you're fucked bro. Keep that bitch happy

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wish you didnt say that

Get it out!!!

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my sister had that happen too. she ended up having to have it surgically removed. it was the only viable treatment at the time.

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you little twat there's a skeleton inside all of us

Just stay calm and intact, you have it surrounded.

>you little twat there's a skeleton inside all of us
You have *got* to be baked

Have it surgically removed.
I heard it's bad having a backbone
and to speak frankly.


Let. It. Escape.

That's gotta be the most retarded and delusional thing I've ever heard. I've had mine circumcised years ago

imagine actually believing in skellingtons

When I meet the morning beam,
Or lay me down at night to dream,
I hear my bones within me say,
‘Another night, another day.

‘When shall this slough of sense be cast,
This dust of thoughts be laid at last,
The man of flesh and soul be slain
And the man of bone remain?

‘This tongue that talks, these lungs that shout
These thews that hustle us about,
This brain that fills the skull with schemes,
And its humming hive of dreams,—

‘These to-day are proud in power
And lord it in their little hour:
The immortal bones obey control
Of dying flesh and dying soul.

”Tis long till eve and morn are gone:
Slow the endless night comes on,
And late to fulness grows the birth
That shall last as long as earth.

‘Wanderers eastward, wanderers west,
Know you why you cannot rest?
‘Tis that every mother’s son
Travails with a skeleton.

Lie down in the bed of dust;
Bear the fruit that bear you must;
Bring the eternal seed to light,
And morn is all the same as night.

‘Rest you so from trouble sore,
Fear the heat o’ the sun no more,
Nor the snowing winter wild,
Now you labour not with child.

‘Empty vessel, garment cast,
We that wore you long shall last.
—Another night, another day.’
So my bones within me say.

Therefore they shall do my will
To-day while I am master still,
And flesh and soul, now both are strong,
Shall hale the sullen slaves along,

Before this fire of sense decay,
This smoke of thought blow clean away,
And leave with ancient night alone
The stedfast and enduring bone.

hope you are ok
if you trim it regularly it shouldn't spread to the head like that

Roleplay as a dungeon skeleton; that's what I do. God I love being a creative autist. My creativity is my greatest source of happiness. I'm now going to roleplay as a dungeon skeleton in my living room.

now this :

>the rattles


Attached: spoopywoopy.jpg (1280x720, 118.25K)

This is now a skeleton thread

Also where that gif?

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This simply can not be true. Someone please tell me this man is lying.

You should get it removed right away

have a skellingtonectomy at once

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What have you done! Who know how much damage you have caused. They are roaming the streets spooking every one they see.

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Oh god here comes one. It just so spooky my heart can't take it!

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shoot it.

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>try to sleep
>remember that there is a skull inside my head and my eyes move in the eye sockets
>goodbye sleep

This can't be. It can't. They're riding on giant skeletons.

Attached: eiich-matsuba-.jpg (1500x2122, 833.16K)

Holy shit, glad there is always a finger pointing in these images, else I wouldn't know where to look.

You literally are a pink blob in a skull

Spin the wheel!