Top-tier horror movies?
Top-tier horror movies?
The Shining
Evil Dead 1-2
Your moms sex tape
Sinister is mandatory.
Alsoplease share sauce on op pic
The Exorcist
Rosemary's Baby
The Shinning
The Grifter
The Grifter
The Grifter
The Grifter
The Grifter
Beyond hereditary this list is not horror but man-child meat beat fuel
Eh naw tho. Like cannibal Holocaust is mandatory Sinister is okay knaw mean?
Alien totally agree
Also I would add The Thing here.
The Thing is such a fucking excellent film.
In the last ten years
mid Summary(or whatever it's spelled)
The invitation
The House that Jack built (is unsettling as fuck)
The Babduck (no fucking idea how to spell right now)
I'll have to think on this there are many.
I recently got into whatbrob zombie is doing and though some of his shit gets pointless towards the last two years.
The Hills Have Eyes
Chainsaw Massacre
House of A Thousand Corpses
Really decent little rides.
Oh fuck I forgot
Unexpected, absolutely rich , great acting, well done.
The Ritual
Do not watch that shit.