Is it true that young Latinas in the US hate white guys and worship black guys?
Is it true that young Latinas in the US hate white guys and worship black guys?
No. They do it to piss off their dads like
White girls.
nope, i know a latina girl who wont date a black guy
Idk, it seems too consistent
Nah, plenty of latinas are into white guys. They just aren't open about it.
>just aren't open about it
So you're saying it's some sort of conspiracy? Why not just admit it if they really did like us?
They sure show their love for black guys
>So you're saying it's some sort of conspiracy?
no lol
They like strong aggressive men who can take their shit. And shove a big black cock in them.
Most of them seem to only like black guys and Hispanic guys who think they're black
God you incels are fucking pathetic. Some latinas are into white guys. Some are really into black guys. Some like to stick with Latinos.
This is not a latina thing, this applies to every fucking race.
Stop this bitching and worrying about not being able to date someone because of your race. Just find a person of that race that would date you.
Yeah but most Latinas hate white guys
oh look another bbc thread fucking original Zig Forums.
Funny Latinos I know talk shit on every black in or out of sight.
Maybe the middle aged ones
Nope young ones too.
Then why do young ones mostly copy black people?
Nope, latinas hate white guys AND black guys.
Nah, most of them love black guys
Especially in Texas and California
the latinas in the US nowadays rebel against their conservative parents, and retreat into their own strange made up corporate libwashed version of mexican culture that has nothing to do with that their parents tried to teach them, but they think it makes them hyper superior to white folk. Even when they're essentially white except for their fake mexican bullshit. It's all very retarded, these girls hate the white man.
idk what kind of bullshit you're on. my first five intercourses were with latina chicks. i'm hwite btw
>Even when they're essentially white except for their fake mexican bullshit.
Wife did a 23 and me thing. Comes up 78% northern European. Explains why both kids came out with blonde hair and blue eyes.
No,l. Every woman I’ve ever been with (not a lot but I’m in double digits) doesn’t prefer black guys.
It’s literally just a fetish and a meme and I wish you fags would get the fuck off of this site.
It's not a meme. Walk around Texas or California and you'll see tons of Latinas with black guys
Dude I worked on a horse farm in Florida for over a year. There were multiple Latin women there, and men. They fucking hate black people. Where do you get your information from?
For some reason nowadays its seen as lame to be "white" as in people think being a respectful person rather than a braindead nigger is somehow uncool
i hope your wife didn't have an identity crisis after she found out she's a white oppressor. I have a filipina woman, and she actively wants to be white. I actually had to convince her to stop using skin bleaching lotion. she wants to be white that bad lol
Yeah and it's been like that for 5-10 years
Maybe the boomers.
Lil Pump is a young Latino from California and he thinks he's black
Lol my best friend lives in Texas and I was stationed in California for over 4 years. The shit you’re saying isn’t true
>i hope your wife didn't have an identity crisis after she found out she's a white oppressor.
Haha no we always knew she was a castiza (very lightskinned and can't tan) just didn't know she was almost 90% European.
>I actually had to convince her to stop using skin bleaching lotion. she wants to be white that bad lol
Oh gosh that's awful.
When, in 1995?
latinas in the states are pretty much white women, OP. Just with slightly different aesthetics.
I am latino and we don't care about race, stop projecting your desires into millions faggots
No its not, latinas like white guys and most are actually racist against blacks and muslims to compensate for being immigrants.
Latinas in the states mostly act black
I've lived in California my whole life. I've seen one latina black guy relationship and she was morbidly obese.
Latinas do not hate blacks, you guys are so clueless
I see more and more Latinas with black guys than with white guys.
disagree, but this is probably true in cities. where I'm from rural-ish northern California, mexicans are very conservative and largely white washed. Also very hard workers and business owners.
Stop samefagging samefag
No we prefer white guys it just seems the other way around bc black guys don’t use condoms even when we ask.js.