What is the minimum amount cash money for sex you need to offer to a stranger and expect a positive answer...

What is the minimum amount cash money for sex you need to offer to a stranger and expect a positive answer? Is Public Agent's offers realistic?

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i doubt you have enough

The answer is porn is based on fantasy anything you see on camera is not real. I'm guessing they get paid industry standard wages and are certainly not 'strangers'.

Probably around 300$ but I don't mess with hookers.
The "industry standard" is about 1000 dollars, give or take the celebrity of said actor.

it entierely depends on the quality of your initial contact with said stranger
if you're at least moderately attractive and you see that the girl is into you, if you lead the conversation toward your fantasy to roleplay sex with a hooker, you might bang for a normal whore price

I'll say yes for million bucks

>benji on top
>all singles
Makes me giggle

Fun fact, public agent is czech fake shit and this week cops raided thier house because they forced or jabaited many girls into "modelling" casting

10.000 is the point where people start thinking about it. But thepends on the "stranger" and the conditions of the offer. Also if you are good looking or not.

J P Morgan once ask a socialite if she would go to bed with him for a million dollars.
She readily agreed.
He then asked her if she would go to bed with him for one dollar.
She huffed “certainly not, what do you think I am”
To which he replied: “I have established WHAT you are, I am now trying to set the price”.

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fuck off eurofag

If you offer me 10.000€ I will.

you think i have 10 euro's you cuck, get some real currency

I'm sorry for you

If you want a real answer and not a meme it varies but tends to work out at about £200/hour in the UK with either hookers or sugar babies. If you're talking about approaching girls completely at random, then I'm guessing no amount will be enough to overcome the weirdness because they assume it will be a scam anyway. Unless it's some disgusting junkie.

Most women would cave for 400+ USD, but 800 is juicy and a grand is wholesome to their ears usually.

Interestingly enough you can grab some E or Blow for less and have the same effect of getting your dick wet. Less money and better odds IMO.

Knew a chick who would go visit this older dude in a sketchy part of town then miraculously have a lot of coke despite being poor lol.

nigga that's still $200+.

I was once friendly with a cute bartender. I wanted to offer her $500 to sleep with me, but I never could get up the nerve.

Depending on how much of an autist you were and what bartenders get paid where you are, you could probably have done it for less if she was interested.

I've told my story before but I offered my friend 5k to be my sugar baby. She said no, not everything can be bought.

Why the fuck would offer that much?

who's the girl in the pic?

Retired male escort. When I was working for a agency it was $1500 for the date date would last 6 hours or so. If you wanted some thing extra other then the date it was an additional $1500given at time of pickup , all extra requires protection and it was always in a hotel where I could call in and let them know who I was with and where I was ... No scat/pee,pain,blood or handcuffs or videos! were permitted... when I did not work for the agency it was 1500 up front the day or two before the actual date and the same thing protection no scat/pee ,pain, blood, handcuffs

> i have 10 euro is you cuck
Learn grammar fucktard.

Fuck off LARP, this is more expensive than even higher tier female whores.

My dumb friend is a sugar baby and gets fucked for a hondo. Im always telling her shes an idiot and should charge more.

You were rejected because you are ugly.

Who is the chick in the photo, OP?

You mean a hundred? If it's from the same guy and he pays for other shit too I'd say that's about par.

I offered someone advertising babysitting services online $200 for an hour, she came back and asked for $350. Thats in Aussie Dollaridoos

That seems really expensive for babysitting, is the industry some kind of cartel?

Keked at that thanks user. But obviously it was not for her babysitting services



Or 5 months average wages in the 1st world

Did you take her up on it? Was it the first time you tried?

500 but only if you can take pics and vids

Its usually 50 to 100

200 to 500 is too much

From any random stranger? Well some will not do it for a billion. Some actually have mountain of dignity about it.
For 1000 dollars you will get yes answers here and there, but a lot of NOs and kicks to the balls between those Yes answers. And probably need to chat with cops ones or twice and get slapped with some charges also.

But yeah going around where there are poor students offering 1000 cash, there will be prostitution. 500. Yesses get rarer. 200 and they start going away all together and only junkie league left. And there you can go to 5 dollars :D

Unfortunately we were organised to meet the next week, then the lockdown happened so she backed out. And I have since moved from the area. Shame cos she was a hot piece of ass too.
>pic related

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Oh and I tried a few girls, most had either no response or came back saying no. Even if I bumped the price up. But I think with alot of people losing their incomes recently, the answers would likely be different