This is the future democrats want
This is the future democrats want
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Trump should "go dark" for a few days. Then, have swarms and swarms of federal troops surround that courthouse while Marine One lands on the property. Nobody should see if/that Trump was even on the helicopter. Then it flies away.
Let them believe he is, mad-man-style INSIDE the courthouse.
Then sit back and watch them state their intentions outright. As they fucking bulldoze it with intent to assassinate.
Would be good for a laugh.
This is actually the present, under Trump. Oh the irony...
Exactly. Democrats are protesting everything Trump represents. They actually want this to stop. If only human rights were being afforded to everyone, there'd be no more need for protests.
Blaming Trump
The Governors are rejecting help and avoiding responsibility Mayors are following suit and blaming Trump, Police chiefs are being used as scape goats if they don't play along with these silly silly games.
Are you fucked in the head by accident or is this stupidity intentional ?.
Perpetrated by who exactly?
Ya know what we should do to show our dissatisfaction? Burn our own cities. Thatll show everyone how smart and serious we are.
This is present day America under conservative control. This struggle will literally only become amplified if Trump continues to have the microphone. If Biden gets elected then at least all these reactionary leftists will get back to being keyboard warriors and will get out of the fucking streets. Riots are a direct response to the superficial politics dominating the airwaves.
This has been going on before him. Occupy was the start with Obama. Do you hear your stupid fucking self or barely got into politics when Orange Man became president
who doesn't have human rights?