I see a few log threads and realized there are a lot of people that need to grow up and mature quite a bit
I see a few log threads and realized there are a lot of people that need to grow up and mature quite a bit
poo dat
>hey dumbz, go in shit, or it was... Andy's behind?!
and it was a yuri
guess the stuff
and it was a yuri
guess the stuff
and it was a yuri
guess the stuff
and it was andy
guess the smell
>guess the smell
maybe they need to mature in the penitentiary
Hi Logposter!
No one using the meme yet?
Have you hit 16 hours of posting time for today? That seems to be your average.
New pic
But, are they slidding??
Hi Logposter!
No one using the meme yet?
I love Andy's fucking logs slidding done my throate!
Not OP, but I will fill in for him. Hi Eustace! How is your job at Taco Bell going? I realize that is not as good as Log Poster, whom I respect very much
Hey, Logposter!
Still overweight & mentally handicapped? No bank account?
Try applying to McDonald's! I need someone to serve me my coffee in the morning before I go make 6 figures! They hire such as yourself with mental disability!
Eustace! Can I get a job at taco bell? We can both suck thick juicy logs out of the toilet!
you sound mad
E-log musky loves stinky logs!!! He's developing an all electric log that can simulate smooth or corny logs on command. Your throat will never get lonely!!!
Musky!!! stinky!!! corny!!!! Logs!!!
Hey, Logposter!
God I love his fucking "Heath"!
I want Andy to shit down my fucking throate so bad I would pay 6 figures for it!!
his name is is Eustace ?? lmao
This is eustace -
Grow up
Hey, Logposter!
No one using this meme yet?
I'd take his fucking "heath"burger straight done my fucking throate! God that's so hot!!!
Andy has a fresh log for you. Extra stinky!
You really need a log in your throte to relax you. Why not try one with corn? Its ribbed for extra stinky pleasure!!