>be me.
>grunt army fag.
>joined when I was 17.
>pretty mediocre, never really went above and beyond.
>sham shield life.
>machine gunner for 6 years.
>only up side was making a lot of awesome friends.
>get out.
>friends start killing themselves.
>it seems like 1 a year every fall.
>up to 5 dead now.
>I used to pour myself into a bottle every night thinking about it.
>another one died yesterday.
>don't think I can keep doing this every year.
>I think I'll go join the boys.
>maybe itll be fun down there.
Be me
Sorry for your loss, OP.
Don’t do it dude. You don’t see it, but your service is valuable. Your friends’ service was valuable. Even more so, your lives. Whatever’s going on in your head is exactly that: in your head.
Getting out from 5th Group in November, not looking forward to this but I know that guys like you are out there somehow making it happen, so why couldn’t I? The fact you’re seeing your buddies do that to themselves and still going is an inspiration to me.
You’re much stronger than you think or give yourself credit for.
Love you bro.
get to know Jesus bro, and talk with Him like the brother he is. you might be amazed what He does for you.
I am sorry we do not take care of our veterans. No mental healthcare. No access to weed (safer then booze). No one to talk to. The fact that us men are suppose to suppress feelings and shrug everything off does not help either. I started learning how to grow vegetables and repair electronics to keep my mind busy. My favorite aunt died from liver failure and meth abuse so I am terrified of liquor.
Why don’t you join back up again
I mean, I know this is some sort of thing in every military but you seem like a bunch of whinny cunts. Most of the time the dumbfucks that an hero are total retards, underachievers or people that saw real shit in a deployment.
As odd as it might sound, the world is your oyster and you should stop fiving a fuck about the past.
Don't they have free mental help services for veterans?
>ignorance is bliss isn’t it user