>game has an animal companion
Game has an animal companion
Other urls found in this thread:
can someone post that webm of the hot chick (not asian) swallowing a mouse whole?
i-it's kinda hot
What am I seeing here
furfag living the dream
Dog cumming in a guy's ass
PS5 Exclusive
imagine saving this on your computer just to get a few (You)s before it inevitably gets deleted.
Looks guys I posted it again!
Imagine thinking that's the only reason someone would save such a thing.
mods are fucking faggots
Didn't we just have this thread?
So, the dog enjoyed it at least, right? Not trying to defend what was posted but it looks like its quivering in ecstasy to me.
Why would you post that?
thats a really touching webm.
really makes you wonder if whe are using the word "humane" just out of specie narcisism.
can you even imagine the post nut shame the dog experienced
>animal companion can go on destructive rampages
Reminder that the official animeposter policy is to:
1. Kill all furfaggots.
2. Kill child molestors.
3. Watch anime.
Become an animeposter today.
the fucking what
Nah, only humans and a few other select species enjoy cumming
stop. id like to remain in my bubble
>implying dogs don't learn of honor and sacrifice from humans
>destroys everything
>grabs the last green one and puts it upright
it's obviously staged you fucking tard. The dumb beast got fed 50 treats in order to learn to do that. Go back now.
>game has both vehicles and animal mounts
reminder that not loving animals is a trait found exclusively in non-whites
>animal companion solely there to tank
so mods delete all cuties discussion but allow zoophilia, glad to see that double standards
bird destroys, and bird creates. The duality of bird.
Why do kuffar love bestiality so much?
It's exactly as it sounds, the woman is dressed up as a cat and she puts a live mouse in her mouth and plays with it and teases is it for 40 seconds or so before swallowing it whole. She shows her empty mouth afterwards. I actually have the webm (and the other lesser known one that's similar but done by a different girl) but they ban you for posting it now.
I'm not watching these webms until someone confirms they're safe.
>that guy last thread telling his gay fake story about a bluejay that he buried
thread 404'd before i got to tell him how fake that shit sounded
They're all safe, I checked :^)
>goats don't count because muhpedo said so
It's a dog performing a trick it was taught, you dumbass
>animal companion can pickpocket enemies
Oh wow that's a cute one
This one seems sinister. Like the chimp's smile is saying "I own you slut, I own you".
what I missed?
>reminder that not loving animals sexually is a trait found exclusively in non-christians
>you play as an animal and have an NPC human companion
Is there even one game? Okami maybe but Issun only gets directly involved a couple times and is mostly just there to talk for Amaterasu
Do not under any circumstance get a fucking cockatoo unless you're willing to have the rest of your life revolve around that fucking bird. Imagine having to take care of a 3 year old baby for decades. That's a cockatoo.
How very believable
He actually does twice.
games for this feel
do ch*nkcels really?
she's got whiskers painted on her face and cat ears. She's playing with this white mouse then puts it in her mouth. She closes her mouth and sort of moves it around. She doesn't chew the mouse apart or anything but i guess she does enough to put it into a state of shock. Then she moves it to the back of her throat with her tongue, closes her mouth, and takes a big gulp. She rubs her tummy afterwards.
I'm pretty sure it was real, no visible cut in the video or anything. It's hardcore vore porn i supposed.
there are worse things out there but that's still pretty horrible
burn in hell vore fags
the sea fascinates me yet it scares me how you can't see anything deep down
>animal companion likes baths
kek, even other species women are frail and useless
>yo gimme dat shit
What the fuck. How is that whale flying?
>villain is evil because he loves it
The ultimate braphog
this but anime is gay
>we evolved from this
More like we de-evolved, we gotta go back
I want to hold that lil piggo
>bathing pig in a bowl of piss
>animal companions can learn crafting skills
I wish pigs stayed that small and cute their whole lives and didn't grow up to be huge and delicious.
Japanese bird is absolutely livid
Look at him go.
is there a site where i can find it i'm the original guy asking for it
i swear i had it on my computer but the video is no where to be found
>that look of regret at the end
what a cute american child.
oh god. My heart.
lol what's with you and Christians bro? a Presbyterian werewolf shag your mom or something?
>animal companion gets bullied by his fellows
>not also a pedophile
it's probably leading a better life than you will :^)
>animal companion has a random instakill attack
what are these birds and why are they such niggers?
>animal companions can leave the party
why are birds such dicks
the obsession never ends
>fapping to loli doujins = molesting real children
Based canadian.
>rolling doesn't deplete stamina
>Left: radical leftists
>Right: the rest of society
took me a while to notice the left one is a puppet
>we evolved from this
That's not how evolution works retard
>animal companion can fast travel
Is that pig a 5 year old American girl?
Because the piggy will have sex with more amerimutt stacies? Eh, I'll live.
fuck you
Rent free
The camera is upside down. The whale is actually right below the surface
>enemies grief each other
It's not. The dog is apparently a really important part of monke rehabilitation.
It's upside down dumbfucks.
have sex :)
Penguins are an eniigma
Can white people explain this?
I think it's hosted on worldstar, liveleak, or one of those sites. Don't know the original source though.
>party member moves faster than you
guy getting fucked by a dog
Nothing man, I'm on a video game board. But christians need to post their animal porn everywhere they can.
Probably bestgore or kaotic
>game lets you taunt defeated opponents
She's the same woman who tortures mice bu tying them up and cutting their cocks off.
She did it on Zig Forums likes half a decade ago. I wonder if she's ever arrested.
It's not flying its swimming. That's just the subocean below it. Haven't you heard of the subocean underneath the ocean?
>animal companion has high int
the first one someone tries to cook a dogs pups and the dad puts his paw on the mans hand whose holding a pup and said no son, and steps into the empty pot himself, dogs r amazing
>game has mimics
See those mountains? You can climb them.
>game let's you gift your animal companion
>they refuse it
When cockatoos have their crest flared like that it means they're in heat and looking to mate. That guy is just fucking angry and horny.
>animal companion joins your party to protect their family
he knows what he did was wrong leave him alone
Zoo-Rollercoaster Tycoon
>enemies follow but don't aggro
now that you mention it, it's been a while since someone posted the snip snip webm of cutting the mouse's dick off
>animal companions can solve puzzles for you
see? you can't even pretend to hide your perversions.
Clever girl
That bird got bopped real good.
Me on the bottom.
h-he's fast!
What's that bird up to? I dont trust him.
>Animal has an instakill move
me on the left
It's clearly a fucking trick. Tik Tok is full of retard bullshit like this.
>Boss rush music comes on
>animal companion can learn from you
Did they survive?
Xbox has been really exceeding my expectations lately
>when you finally get to imagine the smell
I fucking hate monkeys.
This is less funny if you know that cows often just bluff charges
They would do the same thing to a human, so it's not like they're afraid of the goose
What would you guys do in this situation?
smarter than game journalists
Someone post that sexy bird
You know the one
tags: ugly bastard, molestation
Reminder that birds are smarter than journalists
>animal companions can die
>tags: ugly, bald
>enemies can break the game rules
Pigs are the only animal I feel bad about eating. They're extremely intelligent, pretty much dogs. It's a shame they're so god damn fucking delicious.
>Enemy design: [japanese name]
Same thing I always do. Have sex.
absolutely wholesome
it's not on those
;_; no
The pigs at work do this to my legs when I clean their pens, except they weigh 100kg
>nice /van/ thread without the cuck beast shit
absolute kino
Hit the gym
Lose some weight
Shave your head
Start a hobby
holy shit that is cool as fuck, what is it?
you literally missed it a couple minutes into the thread
>animal companion attacks can miss the enemy and hit you instead
>animal companion has badly coded scripting
What does it taste like?
>animal companion can master stealth
>The side of Pokemon battles that Nintendo doesn't want you to see
>companions can equip cosmetics
Where the fuck are it's organs? How is it even alive?
>when I clean their pens
I read that as "when I clean their penis"
That's your human programming at odds with your natural instincts. Return to monke.
>your animal companion can cause a sanity debuff
We only have sexy female pigs
>your party member can make things more cute and funny
I need a birb bf
I can relate with this bird
>enemies can fast-travel
he groovin
got you, amigo
anonfiles com/H700E9Yboe/1592546492556_webm
are those... tentacles?
people don't get arrested for killing mice
very happy chonker
reminds me of a Japanese woman.
Animal threads make me smile so much bros
>enemies are tameable
>implying its not the fact that all species are scared shitless of geese
Why does this seem like a SS13 situation?
>gets stuck
>animal companion gets their best move early
I wish I had a bear bro so bad...
>developers forgot to prevent enemies from walking into environmental hazards
>he still hasn't lost his hymen
Seeing gore and animal torture on a semi regular basis used to be a custom on Zig Forums
holy shit how many revolutions was that
>the courier.webm
>speens so hard he makes himself dizzy
what an adorable little murder machine
True. Only an hour ago there was a dead animal / zoophilia thread up, and judging by deleted posts some people thought this would be a continuation thread
No, octopuses have 6 arms and 2 legs.
what are some good non-jrpgs where you can get an animal companion in your party
If they're reported they will. Animal cruelty charges don't care what animal it is.
>animal companions have unique idle animations
haha look at him go
But zebras are too wild and dangerous for men to tame................
wow, what a dick
>Kill child molestors.
>Watch anime
You'll be prepetuating this system until no end, since all anime viewers are child molestors.
she cute
>tfw no secretary bird gf
>enemy wonders why you'd shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane
Every time I see a little piggy or a baby deer having fun I can only think about the millions of others that are callously slaughtered every day
>game has horde battles
Isn't there another video where the crazy bitch chugs down like half a dozen of them?
>game is rigged
Timeless move
Literally meta for millions of years
Maybe they should have thought about that before deciding to be delicious.
>game has a Heaven level
>boss has multiple bodyguards
tags: NTR
Pure kino
I like to think that both holes are connected underneath.
Women can never understand this feel.
>feeling bad for deer
Deer are fucking shit and deserve to be slaughtered.
>futurama travel tubes
now look at this and tell me feathered dinosaurs wouldn't be cool as shit
Fuck deer, giant pieces of shit
>animal companions abandon you when you become overleveled
Holy fuck that things is majestic.
imagine the smell
>enemy feed off your technology
>enemies throw projectiles
you mean like the goo lagoon in spongebob?
they shit in my backyard and they always make this awful CCRRAAAA noise its the worst thing ever
Fucking simp
user, quickly, link doesn't work save me
Joltik and Grubbin irl
What stocks is he looking to short?
I miss Nanachi threads
i didn't need this right now
the fuck is wrong with chinks
i hate roasties
I've never seen someone be spoonfed so hard and still not be satisfied.
My hobby is playing videogames.
Since 52% of gamers are girls it should be easy to find a gamer gf... right? The media wouldn't lie to me in order to push some feminist narrative would they?
>animal companion is a real jerk
They jump out in front of cars on purpose because they just dont care about living or dying and hope to take as many humans down with them.
deer are basically rodents, at least in America
eating your tomatoes right behind your back
>npcs learn from player inputs
What the actual fuck.
>holds mouth open expecting a fish
>gets nothing
simp LULW
Fuck off with this trite bullshit.
everything i've been told and given doesn't work
>cartman vs the midget.webm
I got a song for that feel?
I bet he's thinking "this is the dumbest cave, there's light everywhere and nowhere to hide".
>52% of gamers are girls
Uhh, what? Did they include mobile games and facebook apps in that study or something
Does GRIS work with webms yet? I swear she had other videos.
let me fix that for you
left: radical ANYTHING
right: everyone else
Actually kill yourself.
>enemies can close doors
>Companion can NTR you
>enemies can intimidate others into submission
>Holds the door steady
>animal companions an explore unreachable areas
Living as a deer sucks ass, and they know they're going to reincarnate anyway so fuck it, might as well die
>when you drop your phone in the ocean but you're lucky enough that the only white killer-whale in the vicinity is the one to find it
>spectating a f2p engineer
Nah, leftists are the most annoying and loudest radicals so I'm gonna stick with that. Thanks
not him but why do zoomers love so much to put a smiley at the end of a comment? does it translate to sick burn in their minds
this looks like CGI to me
Its a Beluga.
An escaped Russian spy Beluga at that.
>ai makes the npcs do things the developers didn't intend
is no one gonna mention the fact that the monkey rode up on a fucking mini motorcycle to try and steal this kid?
user, people have been using :^) for years now to denote sarcasm and shitposting.
Beluga did nothing wrong.
>shovel dog
more like the ones that annoy (You) the most because you actively oppose them
to them, maybe you're just as annoying
Why are apes so fucking based?
I think it's a sulphur crested cockatoo
>First game's protag shows up in the sequel
Yes, actually it's exactly like that. It's an underwater lake, forget what it's made of but it's denser than water, so that's why it looks like that.
>Enemy can break into the save room
Did the fish shred the guys hand or did the fish leave a bunch of gore on it?
Because it kind of looks like his hand was fucked up, I can only imagine a 20 pound fish flying against your had while you are going the opposite direction can cause some serious damage.
I'm really glad turtles/tortoise are not massive.
I want property so fucking bad.
>you have to tame your mounts
oh wow I didn't see that
good eye user you're an awesome detective
"Studies" like that usually use questions like "Have you ever played a video game in your life?" and when the girl who played Solitaire one time at the library says yes they declare she is a gamer
I miss when the trend was to shit on Indians. Drives me crazy when they insist on being called "asians" because south korea and japan are popular and they want to be popular by association. They're definitely more similar to East asians than Russians but I barely consider some of the south east asian countries asian. Like filipinos are more like pacific islanders but they will fight you to the death insisting they're asian despite their grandparents and parents not knowing how to use chop sticks
>Animal companions can evolve
>you can share your equips with your animal companion
God damn, those must be some strong birds if the can lift kangaroos by their tail like that.
why don't you try it out ;)
Its just how it is
>that straight-up suplex the second horse gets
do you have the one with the penguin sitting there while his tribe takes turns shitting on him
It's on a leash and trying to hold onto anything to stay away from its handler
DUNE is looking good! I can't wait!
to anyone that doesn't know, this is the ostrich trying to get the zookeeper to fuck it
>companions can recognize glitches
what can i give in return
I'm not saying I'm not animals, but I understand
Did they train the pooch to do that? I'm surprised it's smart enough to recognize what he was pretending to do and sacrificing himself, the look in his eyes was sincere
Because they are pretty much like us complete with randomly sperging out and acting like violent savages.
>child NPCs can be hit
I hate dogs.
why are birds like this?
Autism bird
Holy shit running shoes actually do work for birds
Wow just like my anime girls that close their eyes when they smile
kek I see what you mean
Where was this recorded? America? What puts me off is the shit she(?) Was putting in the pot
The fish exploded. You see one of his mates start cracking up when he realises what happened.
man, imagine stomping on that fucking thing.
>this kills the crab
its their way at lashing out at a SOCIETY
Is it bad that I find this dog kinda hot
What game
Same. Burn all the fucking monkeys.
youre either 300 iq or you deal with trained monkeys often
i cant, im to retarded
>enemies make you go insane
They fuck up the ecology, don't feel too bad.
Left: this post
right: everyone else on Zig Forums
>companion can move within stopped time
t. DrPizza
Ostrich mating call is to swing your neck around like a retard until you hurt your spine?
>enemies can be startled
If I pull that collar off will you die
holy shit the hummingbird's head turn once he makes eye contact
I don't get the filename
>animal companion has higher CHA than the player
>some enemies wont leave you alone
>villain subverts an honorable cause to perform evil deeds
>That moment where it is noticibly afraid
my sides
Juno if she real.
based fellow animeposter
You just know.
typical harem anime protagonist
you're assuming that's not exactly what that pervert penguin wants
holy shit
Is the eagle taking him to Crowdor?
Always makes me smile
rim ass
He's gonna plow so much cloaca when he's older.
That's so cute and lethal.
Younger elephants do this to their moms to get the proper bacteria in their stomachs or something like that I think
Built for BDC
This. Literally the loudest fucking thing I've ever heard. I can't believe people get these willingly. They are kind of cool, but I feel like if I left one in my house alone it would kill itself and set everything on fire.
>boss has adds
the forbidden knowledge enters my mind unbidden. It is too late for me now, Niggerman.
Cock the Hedgehog.
You sound like an insecure white female.
So when are you going to kill yourself?
snake on a string
Based cockatiel, mine was lovely and never a cunt. Imagine not knowing how to raise a bird. I feel sorry for their kids.
Cute white face colouration though.
>I'm gonna COOM
Endless Ocean 1 and 2 my nigga
Nice try
Unpunished mental illness
how can you be seething this hard just from a shitty meme
Imagine that being released in your penis.
>game has a cooking minigame
Radical rights are the loudest and most annoying. If they weren't, we wouldn't have a billion threads whining every time a black person is in a video game.
Can't find it dude
>Hmm, I really shouldn't stick my dick in there... However...
>norton has blocked an attack from : malicious besite
>haha what if I made out with my dog, that'd be so gross I definitely don't do that
Why does it keep fingering its butthole?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised Monroe would things with a dog.
Imagine that being your penis
If you don't pay attention to them and keep them constantly entertained they go apeshit. They're a terrible animal to have unless you're a shut-in.
Aren't we all
Dude just alter the fuck of their behaviour and environmnet, it's for their own good, lol
they can take it. those animals are fucking tough, you need to give them a little bit of pain in order to break them in. branding cattle with the GF was a bit fucked for me the first time cause guys body slam calves and the old guy cut out the balls with a fucking pocket knife
Talk about getting shitfaced
Is this that movie cuties I hear about?
>enemies get shy
It is the right webm, exactly as described.
its footage from the south hemisphere
>game has stealth mechanics
>boss has multiple forms
>it gains mass out of nowhere while transforming
Still find it hard to believe that one of the most depressing things I've seen is a fucking penguin doc.
clearly that includes your brain
she's a legend
Why are its eyes so beautiful?
heh nothing personal kid
>blocking their breeding grounds with giant dams is okay though
its eating, its mouth and butthole are the same hole
>Im not kidding
leftist radicals
>promote degeneracy
>riot and loot innocent people
>dox and harass people they don't agree with
>eat their own if they are not as far gone as they are
right radicals
Subverted my expectations. If I was the driver I would probably think about that moment every single day of my life.
holy shit
There is a group of Japanese macaques that learned how to flavor their food by washing sweet potatoes in salt water before they eat them. Pretty fucking cool.
righties bitch and moan on the internet
lefties riot in the streets
>Animal companion can use human-specific items
It's not just that they're delicious they're also pretty easy to maintain. They eat just about anything, so you can turn food scraps and garbage into fresh pork chops.
except I opened it on my phone and hot a whole bunch of pop-ups + redirects +play store opening on some "virus cleaner 2020".
I thought this was commonplace in Brazil.
I remember seeing something like this in a rekt thread o Zig Forums years ago except the fish involved were eels and the destination was up some girl's cunt. It was eye opening.
full clip for anyone interested:
>Objective: Survive
Kill yourself chink scum.
their behavior and environment were already altered when the dams and other waterworks were built, this is just a way to let them still go past the dams without building expensive fish ladders
>Left: Zig Forums
>Right: every single board in this site
>Ace of Spades
Grew up on a farm. She catches it as easy as catching a chicken
>muh left right
There hasn't been a Right since 1945, stfu already
thats such a beautiful cat
>it's the shit 3DS remake with obvious weakpoint added
Google "furry girl eats a live mouse reddit"
what are these?
It's treason then...
>companion has really low HP but you have to quickload every time he dies because otherwise he won't get any EXP
>zankoku na tenshi no youni
Slow motion/high speed camera. Humming birds wings beat so fast you can barely see them with the naked eye.
>narrowly escapes death by car
>death by asian mom slap
Japan is a brutal place
>Yeah I'm gonna do it, shut up!
>but don't aggro
This shit is some moment from disaster style shit. Cassowaries are deadly as fuck, not just in that they can cleave people like nothing but in that they're incredibly good pack """hunters""" who just happen to be herbivorous
They stalk, flank and use decoys and shit. Fucking HELL, I'd have shit myself if I were the camera man.
NO, bad monkey. Reject modernity, embrace banan
how the fuck do they know how to do this?
is it something in their DNA?
As usual /an/ threads on Zig Forums are better than actual vidya threads
no they're just not as good as the bred horses we have. they're not particulary strong animals compared to some of their european counterparts.
they were a curiosity
Wait, it was a women who made those video?
Whats he saying?
I never thought I'd be turned on by dolphin pussy. What does that even make me?
i'd do the same honestly
Golden snub-nosed monkeys
Uhh... right radicals make buildings explode. It's on the news sometimes
>console war posters
underated post
>literally fucking woman hands with long fingernails
>"it's a woman?"
That's what you get for being a disgusting phoneposter i suppose
>he never heard of hummingbirds
>NATO in the current year
>companions can exploit physics bugs
>that shake in the camera
>Falcons ball their talons up into a fist while diving on prey, reaching ludicrous speeds, and effectively punching with enough force to shatter skulls or decapitate prey
>Nintendo was right all along. Nothing in nature is more powerful than a falcon punch.
no user, I sent the link to be opened on my phone because my AV blocked it on my PC. You really can't catch a virus on a phone unless you go out of your way and install the virus yourself