Biden will win and here's why

Biden will win and here's why.

1. Biden is currently polling at an average of 50%. No other presidential candidate has reached this number besides Reagan in 1984 and Nixon in 1972. Both of whom went on to win 49 out of 50 states in electoral bloodbaths. Hillary never came close to averaging 50%.

2. The main reason why all of the forecasts were wrong in 2016 was because the undecided voters swung for Trump in the last days/hours of the election. That is not the case in this election as there are not nearly as many undecided voters according to all the data we have. The majority of the third party voters in 2016 were actually Democrats who couldn't stomach voting for Clinton. There is a reason why the Trump campaign was trying to get Kanye to run. Because they understand that their ticket to win is a third party candidate, which is not materializing.

3. In 2016, trump won the swing states by a very small margin. And that was against Hillary, the most hated Democratic candidate in modern history. Biden is absolutely demolishing Hillary in terms of swing state polling.

4. Kamala Harris is going to bring in millions of black Obama voters (who don't normally vote) purely because she is part black. Nignogs vote by identity politics and will come out in droves to vote for a black candidate. There's a reason why Biden chose a woman of color. And rednecks are willing to vote for a female vice president, just not president.

5. A lot of people voted for Trump in 2016 purely to "mix up the status quo" and now see how much they royally fucked up. Trump's approval rating (average) is currently at 42%. No other successful incumbent president has been even close to that low near election time.

Now this is the part where you bring up the fact that everyone thought Hillary was going to win n 2016, therefore you don't trust the polls. Completely ignoring everything I just laid out.

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Hillary was doing good in the polls too. Look how that turned out.

>Now this is the part where you bring up the fact that everyone thought Hillary was going to win n 2016, therefore you don't trust the polls.

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Nuff said

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>Now this is the part where you bring up the fact that everyone thought Hillary was going to win n 2016, therefore you don't trust the polls

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Get to voting you niggers. I can't wait till my neighbor dies from a heart attack when a female nigger is VP

Save this post. I look forward to the pure, unadulterated cope on November 3rd.

Please do. Save this one too.
In all reality, you're going to be nowhere near Zig Forums after the election because you're going to realize how much of an utter clown you looked like this whole time. That, or you're going to come here to complain that the whole thing was rigged.

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Iowabro here. Lately I'm seeing more and more Biden signs everywhere. Even at the local diner they're calling him "Cornfed Joe". Things aren't looking good for Trump apparently. I think he's done.