I just won $286k in an underground poker game. What should I do with the money Zig Forums?
I just won $286k in an underground poker game. What should I do with the money Zig Forums?
Can I have money? I'll be honest, I mean I dont really need it but it'd be cool to upgrade my computer or something. I mean come on, you came onto here bragging about your winnings, you cant expect someone NOT to try to bum money off you
invest in real estate
How deep underground was it? Like, in a basement deep, or like in a strip mine deep?
give money
tell me where watch free movies like the best damn place
Give it all to me.
hah i got your bank account now nigger
Buy one of those fancy Japanese robot toilets
Help me pay off my $1300 hospital debt?
Your sisters vagina deep.
take money
how much is in my bank account faggot?
Not falling for this again Hutu.
Shove it up your Turkish ass.
>What should I do with the money Zig Forums?
Buy yourself a life so you don't have to lie on the internet any more
How can you have a debt of 1300 bucks. Just pay the shit off
the fuck is a Hutu
I’m Greek thank you
PayPal or cash app?
digital or irl game? if digital good luck cashing that out.
The mother fuckin cash app
Options trading on Tesla stock, OP.
10% chance you're worth 3 million next week, 90% you lose it all faster than you made it
Nigerian scammer
split the money and leave. leave while you can.
Most likely. PUTS or CALLS? They’ve been acting wonky lately
eh, i already wore myself out prank calling the Indians.
Buy a plane ticket and disappear, fast!