So what excuses have liberals came up with against her not being the next judge...

So what excuses have liberals came up with against her not being the next judge? Rape is off the table because its a female

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she hates gays
she hates blacks
she is a Christian

one of these

She's a religious lunatic.


> it’s

She has two black children

So far

>Muh religious beliefs
>Muh abortion

That's literally it and the second one is a literal non-issue, plus they said the same exact bullshit with Trump's other two picks. The democrats don't have shit to throw at her but they'll use as much anti-christian bullshit they can during the hearings.

So she's built for BBC

She's going to allow all fertile aged liberal women to be shipped off to the breeding camps. Some will get shipped to lonely anons houses where they will be forced to become anons servant/breeding sow.

She hasn't been vetted enough. They're rushing this nomination because Trump and the Senate Republicans are afraid that they're going to lose the election. Nominating her is a sign of fear and betrays their lack of confidence in themselves or their position.

who cares. they don't have the votes to block.

No she's just a sick fuck like all the actresses that fly to a black nation and take some black babies to use as fashion accessories. Plenty of American children in need of help.

Isn't she like, extremely anti-feminist? As in she believes that women should be subservient to men, and that the religious cult she's in full on refuses to ever promote a woman. She also hates gays afaik know, or is anti-gay marriage at the absolute least. She's all around a pretty bad person, and the exact opposite of RBG, not to mention Lindsey Graham even said pre-election that the next president shouldn't be allowed to put in a supreme court judge if it's nearing the next election. All around it's a mess, even Trump said Obama shouldn't be allowed to put nominate a new supreme court judge in his last year. Anyone who supports this is a hypocritical idiot as far as I'm concerned considering nearly every Republican was so hardcore against Obama doing the same thing in 2016

pretty much

copeland approves

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>She hasn't been vetted enough
She's a circuit judge you fucking imbecile. What the hell does that even mean? How do you "vet" a fucking judge? By making fake rape charges against them?

She's a religious wacko.

Imagine taking the time to write this crock of shit

RGB died during Trumps term. He has every right to appoint a new Justice, just like Oboma did.

So, what's the problem. She hates niggers and fags, perfect.

Imagine reading a valid argument about someone, and then just saying "You're wrong lol and you wrote a lot"

You too illiterate to read it all buddy? It's okay, we all develop at our own pace! You're right too, politics should be easy, and not many words should be used!

When selecting someone for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the nation, it would be prudent to first create a list of potential nominees and then use a process of elimination in order to create a ranking of those who you'd like to nominate. In other words, it'd be nice if some thought and consideration was put into the decision. Trump would nominate Judge Judy if she kissed his ass enough. The man is a fucking moron.

RGB is in the big Auschwitz in the sky.

Should have controlled the senate

Which would be fine if the same people who pushed to obstruct Garland's nomination because "it's an election year" weren't the same people who are now rushing to get this nomination in before the next election, which is less than 50 days away. If they had said in 2016, "We have no constitutional obligation to confirm any nominee that the President chooses," then that'd be fine. But that's not the line they used, is it?

lol the amount of coping here is so funny i'm going to be smiling all day

It isn't a valid argument though, it's just liberal smear.
>Isn't she like, extremely anti-feminist? As in she believes that women should be subservient to men, and that the religious cult she's in full on refuses to ever promote a woman.
Then why isn't her husband under consideration?

That's not really a valid argument against literally anything I said, it's just you saying "Deal With it!"

Is Trump's supporter base really this stupid?

The difference is President Trump is a great white man and Obama is a nigger.

I got halfway through that bullshit you wrote before realizing you are hilariously deluded. This is the same shit bullshit the left says about every conservative judge. Literally the exact same shit was said about Brett Kav and when the democrats realized nobody was buying the bullshit, they switched to the fake rape accusations. Sadly this time that shit ain't gonna work. But good luck with the "nooooooo she's a woman of religion" argument.

>it would be prudent to first create a list of potential nominees
Which Trump already had because unlike you, he can plan past a few hours in advance. Maybe you should try keeping up next time. And again, how do you vet a judge? By their willingness to rule in your team's favor?

Gee I thought Americans had Religious freedom. I guess it would be a non-issue if she were jewish.

Salty bitch. She'll do great.

You're a nigger.

oink oink

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I hate the left and the right but this is a valid point. The republicans obstructed Obama's Judicial nominations and the democrats changed the senate rules and now they are fucked with their own gavel. SCOTUS nominations should require a senate super majority.

imagine your worthless opinion has any power to stop the inevitable, lol go tweet that garbage and get some virtue signaling points

This is why people hate Trump, because people like you support him and are the unfortunate loud majority. You realize you only make him look worse by posting this shit right?

>not understanding that when a presidential nomination of any type, but esp. a Supreme Court pick, fails that it is almost always due to poor vetting and that mistake being exploited

Let me guess what your political affiliation is, lol.

can't the dems just philibuster the nomination until next year?

They're crying about her having 7 kids and her religious beliefs claiming shes gonna usher in a "handmaids tale" like era

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