Liberals call this a woman

Liberals call this a woman.

Attached: 1576883495913.jpg (1024x768, 132.5K)

it obviously is you fucking bigot virgin

Imagine the smell

ew, it looks like worms

i can't believe how obvious that it was a penis on the sides, jesus

Looks more like a Republican woman to me.

Holy fucking shit, why they do this to themselves? Is not possible to make this surgery step by step? I mean, first rip the balls off, let it heal, then the penis, and so on? Wtf

Story? Any cryposting on twitter from this fag or anything? I need to know what happened after.

Can you see it or is it just me

Attached: img_are_camel_spiders_venomous_1385_600_square.jpg (600x600, 67.88K)

Yet you'd probably fuck that "repulican women" all night

Good for them, they're wrong.

Liberals will call that a spider.

I bet they leave a big ass squishy mess when you stomp the shit out of them.

Conservatives call this a leader.

Attached: AP_20140707233728.jpg (2500x1667, 785.27K)


In fact, he is

Who doesn't love a good 'ol dick pussy? You ever stick your cock in a cock, user? Delicious!

conservatives call you a man.

Its hairy inside.

I call this an infection, you know normally it doesn't look like this

Thats because its ballsack/dickskin.
You're suppose to have the hairs surgically removed prior to the mutilation.

This causes me physical pain to look at.

imagine puss squirting out of it like semen and then coming out as a long stream like piss and you collect it in your mouth swish it around and swallow it and its very creamy and tastes like mustard and throw up mixed

Why did you post this, user? I have a powerful imagination. Fuck you and words.

Looks like he did the surgery himself. probably necrotizing inside that brown hole

Starlight male thinks it's hot

No, that's a incel republiwife, ugly fat stupid and retarded

bodyshaming intelligence shaming and ableism
tsk tsk tsk


Not very progressive and inclusive, is it.

probably because it is you arachnophobe bigot

Where is the penis to call it a male?
