Donut Discussion Thread

Donut Discussion Thread

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I used to work at Dunkin's. Dropped a donut on the ground before handing to customer. I didn't like the tone she used with me.

Yeast > Cake
Fight me

donuts are for fatties

Lightly Glazed Fluffy Yeast Donuts.

Fuck Krispy Kreme and thier leaden lard rings!

In college, they had a bag of condoms taped to the bulletin board for anyone to take (I lived in a co-ed dorm). Just a brown paper bag filled with individual wrapped condoms. I would sometimes take a thumb tack and poke holes in a condom from time to time. A little prick, hard to see if you weren't looking for it. I figured when the guy would take it out he'd see there was a hole in it and be annoyed, but I always wondered what would happen if he actually went through with sex with the pierced condom.

Nobody cares retard, get back to the sugary donut goodness

Chocolate donuts are better than glazed donuts

I was born the bastard child of a dorm hookup. I sell my ass on the streets and shoot meth to calm my rage, because I know that my parents were smart enough to use protection. Even though my mother tossed me in a dumpster after squeezing me out of her once-tight coochie, I can’t blame her. I have long suspected that someone else is responsible. Now I am one step closer to having my revenge!

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where do you work now

i started giving money to hot girls i talk to as a fetish

Used to work as a manwhore from a young age. Strangely never had to sleep with men though. Had enough female clients it never happened.

I have Discovered that all of Zig Forums is just me and someone else and like one to two bots LARPing on every thread.

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Well, someone is special...

Will you be larping with me today good sir?

Also there was this one Latina girl I had the hots for in Elementary school and she almost convinced me to jump out a window with her. Fun times.

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As always!


An answer to my ails. Why do I find intrest in a girl that I dont want any relationship with? What should I say to her that would make her understand?

Yo go "Fuck you bitch you boring as fuck"

Krispy Kreme is the most overrated donut.

Krispy Kreme is so fucking foul man, it's all soft and sugar, there's no pleasing texture to it
Absolute Z-tier donuts

Tripping on MDMA right now and in another thread about skinny white girls that is active right now, I've been sharing photos and details about my amazing petite girlfriend sleeping next to me.

My secret that I haven't told them or anyone else is that 2.5 years ago, I met her when she was working as an escort, staying at a piece of shit's place, had a major amphetamine addiction, tried to kill herself several times recently, and generally had zero prospect or vision for her future. She figured she would be a candle that blazes intensely but quickly.

The thing I am happiest about in my life is bringing her close to me and helping to give her stability to turn things around.
Certain friend and family who could see how fucked up things could be when we started thought I was just an idiot thinking with my dick for putting up with all the crazy, but after 2.5 years I am the happiest I have ever been and it was all worth it.

that's awesome. You guys should celebrate with some meth!

the only krispy kreme is at 200km of road from where I live. I'm thinking of going round trip just to get a few dozens and eat em until I'm sick

>/what do Zig Forums?

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idk about what kinda shit krispy kreme you guys are getting in the muricas but I live in quebec canada and it has to be the only one in a 400km radius, donuts are fresh out the oven and they stick em in the box. Perhaps at least, Tim horton donuts are literally rotting garbage to those from the krispy kreme

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>be bi boi w/ gay bf
>his best friend is my covid lockdown fuckbuddy
>got bf into being caged and working on turning him into a cuck
>regularly ditch him when we go clubbing (pre-virus) to fuck around with other people :3
>slept with two of my best friends separately while they were dating, they're now married and guess they never talked about it
>i have a longtime fwb since we were like 14, we have a rule that whenever one of us comes to the others city we always get a hotel room for a night, even if busy or dating people
>thanks to her i have my weird thing about how i love to awaken fetishes in people and get them into experimenting; i already have a night planned when lockdown ends so i can finally fuck my married bicurious bff
>pineapple on pizza is dank
>i don't really eat them
>they're too sweet and super wicked not good for you
>seriously eat anything else boys gosh

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Of you don’t have anything better to do then go for it. The original glazed donuts when they’re fresh are amazing.

my idol

I live just up the road from a KK where they literally make them, like you sit there watching them get made and glazed while in the shop, they hand you a warm freebie fresh off the line with your purchase...
...I still don't even eat it more than every 6 months or so because they're just soft overly sweet and never sit right. Go find some old Jews or Russians or something who run a deli and eat their stuff instead.

ty you have good taste~