

Attached: trump01.jpg (600x596, 263.83K)

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It's actually illegal to make threads like this in time of National Crisis where the very Presidency has been compromised.

And in fact if you were critical of Trump in the past 6 months on an open social media platform you have been on a watchlist this whole time if not longer.

Nah, it's National make fun of bad Orange man day.
Have a good day!

bbut corona is a hoax

no it's not chink

He never said corona was a hoex.
You can’t go around telling lies to get votes
He also tried to ban travel from China all the way back in early February and Congress stopped him.

actually, that's humongous bs

so the world minus 300 mio American rednecks and voodoo-christians is being watched. then be it.

I has a like to be make pies from the poopoo. I go to doodyroom and do a make for the having of a piepie. THen I take a mudpie and has sharing for manypeople. Sometimes I no go to doody room to make poopoo and I has the mud to make funpies! You can sharing this with me to make more poopoo pies and for having with them we can do a peepee.
Pees and poos are make happy time for everyperson. I take the poopoo and can has it for sharing of mudpies. We do a peepee and add it to the piepie for having of farts and making of funny.

>He never said corona was a hoex.

Attached: trump03.jpg (609x537, 67.44K)

I dare you to prosecute me. I fuckin double dare you dickhead!

America is a democracy. A deceasing old president is not a national crises, after all.
Every person is replaceable within a week.

The national crisis of the US right now is the flaming cofefe-45 pandemic which this dude has signed in for.

But for the future, America may find slightly younger and more healthy persons are better suited for that job, indeed.

Also, to pull a tandrum that has often been thrown by certain people in the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic: He is not dying due to covid-19, no no no, he is dying because he is old and it just happens that he also has a covid-19 infection.

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not even trolling
look it up
it is technically illegal to mock a sitting President who has fallen victim to a politicized event like the Democrat Corona Virus. When Trump is fully recovered, hundreds of you could be arrested daily and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden will both finally be put behind bars so we can continue the great work this Presidency has accomplished.

>But you guys! Just because biden said racial shit years ago doesn't mean he's racist!

Consider the following:

It’s a publicity stunt wherein he will come to the brink of death and make a miraculous full recovery stripping its credibility further. The Left is just eating this shit sandwich one bite at a time.

-and is in risk group because of age- totally kills the meme, would be slightly funny without that part

Age and clinically obese.

>the Democrat Corona Virus
well ... if you want to read it like this ...

Attached: apologize.png (607x534, 338.86K)

>everything is the left's fault
>not dipshits like me who vote for him

> At the beginning, the ad splices together two quotes to have Trump saying, “The coronavirus, this is their new hoax.” It is obvious in listening to the ad that he said, “The coronavirus,” and, “this is their new hoax,” at different times. His voice sounds quite different in the two segments.
>But on the screen, “The coronavirus, this is their new hoax” appears as a single sentence.
Please get a better news source because you are brainwashed

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Fact: the Democrats needed another 9/11 after their failed attempts to Impeach the President. They pounced on a fake alert and plunged the country in jeopardy by dividing the populace until now we're seeing more cases because of them. Several ringleaders of the Democrat Party like Barbara Feinstein and Hillary Clinton should be put behind bars so the commands stop coming from the top.

Dianne Feinstein ya fuckin donut

I am pretty sure though it IS illegal to make up random laws and lie to people about fictional consequence to put them at terror.

That actually may interest a prosecutor, you know?

Hes dead faggot.

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This is exactly what a lamestream media fuck would say. Weak and sad. Fake news!


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Will the conservatives ever recover from all the BS D. Trump has pulled during his presidency?
And nothing will ever be forgotten. They could as well neck themselves.

ok the way some of you are mocking me in this thread? It's one of the reasons I'm thinking of becoming a serial killer.

Your Russian laws don't apply to other countries.

Cool. Start with yourself.

You sound like a huge faggot.

Even Trump at age 70-something will probably recover just fine, for the vast majority of people this virus isn't that bad and yes, the deaths have been overexaggerated. Many people have died while having covid and been listed as a covid death

I am not Russian. I live in a rural area of Atlanta and Trump is going to anact a series of Executive Orders aimed at Protecting the Presidency from possible security risks like you.


>will probably recover just fine
Not going to happen. he won't die, I also expect that much, but older persons, and many younger too, dont "recover just fine" from that infection.

But as I said: Trump death or alive or whatever in between is not the real problem of the US.

It's the covid-19 pandemic, it's the ongoing race-war

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>Many people have died while having covid and been listed as a covid death
>get covid
>get pneumonia in weakened lungs
>"it was the p-neumonia, not the kungflu libtards"

Nah they put him on dexamethasone so he's definitely now in serious trouble. I wouldn't doubt if he's at risk if being put on a ventilator in the next week or so

>It's actually illegal
This ain't Russia faggot.

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>being put on a ventilator
if he ends there, even if he recovers, he won't possibly be able to be president nor to run a campaign.

also that would be fucked up. I hope he gets away with a week of chest pain and fighting for breath. Oh and diarrhea of course.

that should give him some insights, not even being sarcastic with this one.

cry me a river snowflake libtards. Trump is kicking your ass every day, and there is not a fucking thing you can do about it. hahahahahahah

Okay comrade.

I found the stupid nigger. He got out of his cage again.