If you had to choose would you rather fuck james charles or his black friend larray?

if you had to choose would you rather fuck james charles or his black friend larray?


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I would simply kill myself

I rather fuck, you know, like, a woman

dont be a wimp, pick one

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and here's his friend

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Tbh i would destroy james Charles boipussy

isn't it crazy that he's a virgin

I’d fuck Larray. James is a lot cuter but he seems like a prissy prude since he hasn’t taken dick yet.

Larray gives me slutty vibes and like he’d be more fun

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well larray has a boyfriend so he's not a virgin

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why do you think james has had trouble finding a boyfriend?


I honest to god would run him over with my car, probably wouldn't think twice about it.

New would you rather, Trump or Biden

>I honest to god would run him over with my car, probably wouldn't think twice about it.
run him over = penetrate his anus
car = penis

I would fuck neither because that is where poo comes out

so you wouldnt fuck a girl in the ass either?

At least James crossdresses. I imagine that would make it easier

yeah the black one just dresses very gay

is he gay?

very gay

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people always ask james if they're dating but they keep saying they're both bottoms and not attracted to each other because of that

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James no question. Looks passable with a wig on

doesnt make it any less gay

you had to ask?

Yeah bitch I’m bi but I like cds/traps/sissies/femboys


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can i pick both

would you have a threesome with them?


his boyfriend is hot

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what would you do to them

>people always ask james if they're dating but they keep saying they're both bottoms
Why do they feel the need to advertise the fact that they like things in their butt