If a trap showed you that she loves you more than any "real" woman could, would you give her a chance?

If a trap showed you that she loves you more than any "real" woman could, would you give her a chance?

Attached: true love.jpg (717x960, 106.5K)

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Nope. Traps are gay.


Who is this little vixen?

Nah man. I don't want to grow old with some fucking old dude with his nuts sagging down to tuck in his socks.

Been there done that. Rejected them every single time.

Of course

Only real women can have babies, so only they are worth pursuing

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I would pity the trap who showed me she loves me more than a cis woman. I would pity the trap who could ever love a Zig Forumstard.

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been dating one for 2 years so yes

Castrate your trap slut after he turns 30. Problem solved.

But not one of you retarded fucks are worthy of reproducing.


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Neither are you fag

Post proof

You morons dont know gay men at all. You both throw awesome parties all the time so you both can bag younger meat. What a way to retire! More fun than boring vanilla basics.

>If a trap showed you that she loves you more than any "real" woman could, would you give her a chance?

Well yeah, butt she's gonna have to hide in my basement a year because she's just robbed a bank for me.

Who is she?

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Dude, gay sex with dudes is gay.

No because I want to have kids someday


I dont buy it

Can't produce offspring with, so useless as wife. Could be a good friend though.

Traps are dudes. Not into dudes.


damn, painted a pretty picture, ain't it.


o cara br kkkk mandando foto do toguro

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is this a trap I honestly can't tell

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so good...what a man. would bang all of those beautiful traps if i could.


do you guys find this stuff funny? this is sad; i don't see what you could possibly get out of laughing at mentally ill people

Yes the instagram is posted, it's Sayuri Mattar