I'm 5'4, are these C Cups???

I'm 5'4, are these C Cups???

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cannot really give an accurate veredict after seeing more angles of thoose nice milkers boi

i dont know anything about sea, but they are my cup of tea

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don't look like C's bro. full 32B at most on a good day

first off absolutely perfect. Looks like a C. If you measure where your band goes and then measure across the breast it would tell. Take the difference between the 2 and below will tell you.

could we get a different pic for a better look?

Huh. I always wondered how they measure cup sizes.

are you a tranny

No I am not.

They’re lovely, no matter the cup size.

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whats with the pit hair then

women grow pit hair fucktard

Show hairy armpits

Woman have pit hair too, everyone does

I'm calling those Bs in need of a shave.

Just go to victoria's secret, they'll size your correctly there.

Im 5'1" is this a nice pussy?

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post ore, they are lovely


how old?

I'm 5'9" what does this shirt say?

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>shaves pussy
>doesn't shave armpits

Calling BS

imagine being so fragile that a function 100% of humans do, offends you.

No. Those look like B cups.

An age. I'm legal that's all I'll say

Where do you see armpits? Back to the basement, virgin.

calm down you fat lesbians, everyone knows women are required (by law) to shave

Nice. I'd eat you out from behind.

Dunno about the size, but they're kinda lowriders and nice. I like them very much

No they are not, it's just nicer when they do

Some gay shit

Um that's not my pussy

uh oh

Thank you