Your thoughts on sex toys? Want to get a pocket pussy and a dildo and wanted to know /b's thoughts

Your thoughts on sex toys? Want to get a pocket pussy and a dildo and wanted to know /b's thoughts

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You wont need casual sex if you pick the right one. Shallow bitches will get angry as you decline their advances and request they show some personality beside being a self entitled bitch.

They're great but some are obviously better than others. You might need to go through a few to find the one that blows all the others away.

Hi OP, It's me, Chadicus J. Thundercock. You might recognise me from your mother's bed last night. Anyway, while sex toys can be an effective relief, casual sex is infinitely better. It's not a bad thing to own one, but definitely keep it on the down low. If you need any further advice, ask me after I've finished fucking your mother.

Sex is for faggots

my only advice is to keep it clean. a dirty pocketpussy is no better than a slut.

Having a uterus is the stupidest idea. It's literally a structure designed to capture cum.

Dildo yes, pocket pussy no. My hand works just fine.

Yeah I imagine it would make cleaning it a bitch, but even without it HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THOSE THINGS?

Just like your gullet user

My pocket pussy keeps me sane.

Get some cannabis and a pocket pussy and you won't have to date crazy bitches and will save your mental state from getting too jaded.

Just work on quitting porn when you want to find a real lady because it wILL fuck up your relationships.


I purchased my first fleshlight about a month ago and I don't think I'm getting my money's worth because it is uncomfortable to adjust to rather than jerking off normally.
I can't stay erect when I put my dick in and I want to be able to mount it in place rather than have to move it myself. it's just distracting but maybe I need to keep trying it until I get the hang of it.

hot water you stupid cunt

Get one with a full ass and pussy. It's so much better then a regular pocket pussy

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This. This and an oral onahole will cover all bases. My oral onahole feels pretty much just like the real thing.

I would but it'd be harder to hide since I live with family

I've broken every poket pussy I've owned most are garbage but I don't know about higher end ones

not if you carry it with you everywhere you go.

Assert your dominance just leave it on your desk like a chad. Or they will fit in a dresser draw

Put it in the closet unless your mom still does your laundry. If so you should probably grow up before moving on to big boy toys.

You can get super small ones but they kinda suck ass. You can get a stroker for like $10 but don't expect it to last or feel like pussy. I've seen em in sex shops but I wouldn't bother myself and would just order something off the internet.

But she always thanks me when I put my stains in one spot....

Which oral one do you have? My issue is that they're all too expressive or require you to spend a lot to get free shipping.

Pocket pussy is gonna be the best nutt as long as it's closed on one end. After getting one, any real pussy wont feel nearly as good (passion aside that is)

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it feels great. be sure to buy a quality one that will last, not some cheap chinese junk.
mentally, it's not the same as pussy. you bust a huge nut but feel like a loser after.


What counts as good quality? I was thinking of getting the fleshlight quickshot due to ease of hiding it and because it's not as expensive.

Get one that is closed at the end so you can feel your banjo more 'captured'

I have a few various sex toys.
Don't even feel the urge or need for sex with someone else.
But I REALLY crave for a sincere, lovely and warm hug.
May sound strange, but that is how it is.

I suppose. I'm looking at a few things on toydemon now. The bocca della verita looks nice.