Is brittany venti hot?

is brittany venti hot?

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i'd fuck her

Attached: 1601750423818.webm (800x478, 1.93M)

I'd smash


Anyone got that vid of her cat shitting on her bed?


Nah her face is fucked and her voice is annoying af.

in a trashy way

Who was the bitch with the surname venti who used to get posted on Zig Forums all the time? Like this shit was years ago, pretty sure she was jailbait at the time

She's the type of girl you fuck but don't brag about or even think of marrying. She's the type where you could throw a bag on her head while fucking and it'd be just as good(if not better)
She's got a shitty personality and politics plus her hobbies consist of shitting on other people and making up drama so she's just not a good person overall.

Would fuck/10

I'd fuck but not really hot in more than a physical sense. And I only see her at her best, so I can assume she lacks even physical attraction in most occasions.

Just another talentless slut on a webcam. Leave your dwelling and get laid.

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i want to fuck her tits but i dont know if i would say shes hot. shes alright looking but them titties... god damn

anyone got more of those milkers though?


so basically she is a fenale version of you?

There's a difference in creating drama and giving valid criticism.
The reason I call her politics shitty is because there are certain things she supports that lead to having peoples rights taken away from them, she seems misguided but believes in them so adamantly she won't actually listen to the other side. She's like the female Destiny.

My hobbies could potentially seem radical but also normal depending on if you live in the city or the country. I'm from the latter.

Can you elaborate on the politics you disagree with?

conservative slut.

I would impregnate her and marry her in a instant shame she lives in the US

she thinks porn is bad

It is bad though. Cooming is fucking people up.

what else does she think?

Hot and based. I'd marry her and pump her full of mutt babies.

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Her racism in general is pretty bad and I'll admit these might not all seem political but to me they can all be related to it

She has some really out there views like all universities being brainwash centers that turn people into "liberals"
She's mixed(~%30 black iirc) and uses that at will to be racist to her "own" people then turns around and supports white supremacists(some form of internal racism maybe? She probably needs help with this, it's probably related to her childhood and father leaving)
She's very controlling of men when she's in a relationship which again I think is due to her issues with her father having left, so much to the point that she hates it when men are looking at porn at not her(huge attention whore)
She has in the past falsely accused men of sexual assault in an attempt to defame them and gain notoriety herself.

yoy soubd like her in that post


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1st point I agree with her, 2nd point I ask if it is literally white supremacists that she supports. if yes then that's concerning yeah, 3rd point I agree it's an issue. a very controlling personality isn't good but it's not necessarily a political stance (except for the porn part which i disagree with) 4th point is an absolute nono, if she has falsely accused people then she's no better than the believe all women crowd

She's hot to the fat neckbeards that inhabit this board

I think she's using Zig Forums

>She has some really out there views like all universities being brainwash centers that turn people into "liberals"
This one is true. Hard to say if it's her opinion or in character.
>She's mixed(~%30 black iirc) and uses that at will to be racist to her "own" people then turns around and supports white supremacists. She often points out how often "open minded people" on Twitter harass her for being mixed.
She has some edgy humor, but she certainly isn't racist nor does she support white suoremacists.
>She's very controlling of men when she's in a relationship
Only indication of this was his relationship with Mason, who was a genuine narcissist. There's a clip of him crying because Brit didn't praise his pecs as much as he wanted.
so much to the point that she hates it when men are looking at porn at not her(huge attention whore)
>She has in the past falsely accused men of sexual assault in an attempt to defame them and gain notoriety herself.
Never heard of this happening.