Is this a hot chick?
Is this a hot chick?
Wyatt Reyes
Benjamin Rogers
Fuck no
Nathaniel Richardson
It's a passable if you are drunk or have low standards chick.
Ryder Hernandez
Why not?
Lucas Rodriguez
If you don't know now you're to much of a retard to explain too
Logan Flores
Yeah, I would.
Anthony Lewis
Fat and stupid judging by that ugly cloth
Camden Collins
Not sure of hot or not, but what She Is drinking Is not Belvedere vodka
Brody Williams
No that is a garbage chick.
Evan Miller
id probably fuck her tbh but she's kinda fat i wouldn't be caught doing more than that. i used to have a friend who would always have a bottle of grey goose. it was like his brand or something. grey goose and newports. and gangster rap. fucking christ that kid sucked.