is it true that crackychan is back?
Is it true that crackychan is back?
cracky-chan is the first camgirl or changirl. u can google it
Whats that?
Is pic related? She's really kind of pretty hot!
oh please no, dont roll play in this thread. i just want to know if cracky is back. damn it
What? Holy fuck! I remember when she was here as a wee chanslut
Her eyebrows look like pinball flippers.
Well she was like 15-20 in 2004 so now she's in her thirties now , she can come back if she's hot enough
i think is this one
looks like she used to lie. she is an 29 yo american drug addict
So many original fags fapped to a 13 year old without even knowing
Oh, not that! Heavens.
STFU, faggot.
fucking kek
she became a fat lgbt cow how sad
even worse. she was 9
2020 - 29 = 1991
1991 + 9 = 2000
You like math
she is not 29 aparently
Pretty sure this chick fucks niggers.
She does, its a twitch whore
They allow nigger fucking on Twitch, now?
Man - TV sure has changed.
future is black, my friend
Someone confirm that Olivia is back
I wanna obilerate her anal orifice
I think we'd all like to see that.
Where are you? 78, 79? Stanford-Binet-wise, I mean. I figure you to be on par with Private Leonard Lawrence.
i miss crackychan. would not pull out of her
You shut your whore mouth
>without even knowing
nothing will even top lolichan’s anal video