Hey guys, I haven't checked the news all day. Is Orange-Pedophile-man dead yet?

Hey guys, I haven't checked the news all day. Is Orange-Pedophile-man dead yet?

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It's just the "24 hour i don't feel so good" flu, bro.
If you don't hear from it after 24 hours then you might check again.
Only peeps with preexisting conditions die from it.

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Why do you give a shit? He's gonna lose anyways. You're getting your precious BLM NIGRESS as President cuz we all know Biden won't last 6 months.

I thought being morbidly obese was a preexisting condition...

Which, ironically, he is trying to let insurance companies deny coverage for again...

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I think he got his first election in 20 years thanks to the steroids. I think he is rushing home to his wife so he can jerk it to her cuck session.

Trips of truth.
>> Also O'Bama is cucking him.

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nope. he’s not gonna die cause he never caught covid in the first place

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Why is that cop kicking that Proud Boy?

Nope. He is checking out of the hospital in a couple hours. Leftists BTFO again

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Shouldn't you be back on bunkerchan?

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XD You mean like being fat and old?

Why do you keep posting pictures of dead ProudBoys?

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why more ProudBoys? I don't get it . . .

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Becuse its funny

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Why are you an anime character?

He is drugged up and senile

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Anticorps don't last more than three months. And Trump is still in risk category


rent free

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Apparently he had very mild symptoms, so he will likely double down on being a retard. My very republican grandparents just recovered too from Covid and went through a miserable time. Curious to see how they react to this douche in the coming weeks.

It would be poetic justice if the moron catches it again with far worse symptoms.

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you cant catch it again you fucking retard

this retard doesnt know that antibodies are a thing

its almost as if hes not actually morbidly obese

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Reinfection is a thing. Either you are trolls or actually retarded. I refuse to spoon feed you either way.

in about a year when he no longer has antibodies he may catch it again. but the odds of getting reinfected after recovering and developing antibodies are astronomically low, and that wont change despite how much of a devoted partisan you are