Daily reminder

>Daily reminder

It’s perfectly normal to be attracted to fat girl if she has big tits

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not to fat tho

your pic related isn't even remotely fat, you just have unrealistic standards.


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She is fat but like I said it is okay because she has big tits

Fat with bean bag titties, no go

I smell a virgin.

She is not fat

Post some examples to change my mind.

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I did pic related

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>kill the robit

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Bad bait bro try again

Not falling for the bait, but thanks for reminding me how hot Kat Dennings is OP.

Those melons don't feel right, though. They should feel like cotton candy was mixed with ass in the 4th dimension, then placed onto a women's chest.
Fat breasts feel like someone poured crisco into a balloon

Agreed. This girl is a prime example for that

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>Posting Kat Dennings
For fuck sake, she genuinely makes me weak and I'd do anything for her

>calling that fat
which third world shithole you live in frend?


Do you not have eyes? Look at her stomach its practically bulging out

>Fat, posts kat dennings
>Fat, posts a legit thicc girl
Confirmed. OP and this user have never made contact with a girl in real life

Have your (You)

Ok how is this not fat? Her stomach is huge for her frame

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What's the thing that's lower than virgin? Because that's you.

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Big tits don't count it she's fat.

Fuck off. You clearly don't understand what the word fat means

Kek. Her stomach would be huge for her frame if she didn't have those wide hips and thicc thighs. Holy fuck. Virgin harder

Haha mammy I'm didding an bait in the bchan hahaha mammy am I your good boy????

I seriously don't get how you dont understand this. She was even labelled plus size when she modelled. That means fat faggot

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>Plus size=fat
Literally ANY model that isn't a damn stick is labeled plus size. Go back to your hole golem

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holy fuck have "insults/comebacks" become lame.

Stop simping bro its pathetic. This girl clearly eats more than 1200 calories a day. She is fat. Deal with it