Why should I vote for Biden? Give me justy three legit reasons and I will...

Why should I vote for Biden? Give me justy three legit reasons and I will.Prove it to me that you don't vote for him just because you hate Trump.

I am flelxable to change my view if you give me just three reasons why Biden/Harris ticket is good for the people instead of Trump?

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Question ... Isnt the picture on the left whats happening right now under Trump?

1. Calming racial and social tenison instead of stoking the flames.
2. Taxing the super rich on their overseas/off shore profits.
3. Term limits on congress.

That's what trump's been campaigning for you stupid fuck! Get your head out of your ass!

>campaigning for

He's president right now idiot. Why isn't he fixing it?

Last election before the war, doesnt matter who wins, we all lose

You really fullfill the stereotype of modern day libtard thinking. congratz.

>2. Taxing the super rich on their overseas/off shore profits.

This is how california dies, 54% tax on some people the now, who pays the tax when everyone who can afford to leave has? The homeless?

Ask the governors and mayors why they didnt deploy the national guard (originally sent out by trump) and let their city's burn? let BLM and antifa execute white people for supporting trump? While all the Democrats and main stream media say it's not happening and it's all peaceful. And the Forest fires started by antifa and BLM in California confirmed by police they where starting the fires. Why aren't the Democrats denying all of it?

None of that happened snowflake.



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See: >837729788

And if anyone thinks otherwise, look at the reaction of trump winning his first term.

Biden does have a healthcare plan laid out. One that does not abolish private insurance but takes meaningful steps toward insuring all people and bringing costs down across the board by allowing the government to negotiate with insurance and drug companies on prices.

Biden is staunchly pro-union, and will seek to codify important worker protections.

Biden has promised to address income disparity, notably with a tax plan that could save working families up to $15,000 a year in some instances.

Yea I remember this lefty's reaction.
She had to say sorry to everyone in her world.(whatever the hell that means)

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What about the "green new deal"? Bidan and Harris cant seem to decide yes or no on it.


the only thing that changes in america when we go from Republican to Democrat is who gets our tax dollars.
but your mind is already made up if you really think "trumps america" is any better than biden's.



How is he going to do it if elected if he can't get it done now?

We’re fucked either way. Just in different ways. Choose how you want to be fucked and how you want.

How's the weather in Russia this time of year? Is it starting to get cold yet?

>why wont somebody please think of the billionaires

less fucked with biden

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Yea but they’ll never stop forcing this retarded meme, even after the election.

To trigger the incel right wing uprising so that we can start shooting rednecks.

dont be such a fucking cynic, with biden/harris theres at least a small chance for reform, whereas rewarding trump with a second term will only make his complete lack of integrity and leadership the new norm in a presidency

Only if you are a poor retard.

Who's #3? She's hot as fuck.

Russian trolls are not entitled to vote

Then CA dies, it's about time we spread the wealth out instead of having a super economy under the control of a motto slinging idiot like Gavin Newsom.


It's like you are in the 3rd grade


Hey, fucking faggot retards.. It's not good for AMERICA to have CA be the 7th largest economy in the world.

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>Isnt the picture on the left whats happening right now under Trump?
Only where democrat governors allowed it to happen

>1. Calming racial and social tenison instead of stoking the flames.
>2. Taxing the super rich on their overseas/off shore profits.
>3. Term limits on congress.
Literally part of Trump's platform

It's Obama and Clinton that created first and second class US citizens by introducing "protected classes" as well as facilitating offshoring

Were gonna get a green new deal one way or another, we either do it now or it becomes an environmental clean up plan in 40 years when all the boomers are dead and zoomers / millennials run the show.

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Oh yes because poverty in the US didn't exist before Obama and Clinton. My dad used to make 6 figures until Obama and Clinton were elected. Now he has aids. Pray for him.

Hey now. Trump fucked hookers while his wife was pregnant, cheated on all of his wives, lied, cheated, stole, coveted his neighbors women and goods...

Actually he's right on target for being a Christian.. Now if you add pedophilia and murder to the list he would probably be the perfect Christian hypocrite cunt.

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>no VP listed under Trump
>its all Trump, its only Trump, king Trump, hail Trump

the right are anti-American monarchists

I really don’t think the green new deal is bad policy. There are a lot of jobs to be created in green energy. I would support federal legislation addressing American reliance on foreign fossil fuels.


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But you aren't voting for woke shit, Biden and Harris aren't even woke they just play along.

You need to take that shit up with these terrible social media companies, corporate juggernauts, and the fake news media who promoted all this BLM, Antifa, woke stupidity in order to...


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Doubtful. Leftists will burn their own cities, everyone else will laugh, and that will be the end of it.

Not one thing there trump has ever stood for. Or ever will.