So let's review

So let's review.

In portland we have a guy clearly on video saying "we have a Trumper" and cowardly murdering a man at point blank.

In the past few weeks we had a group of people attempted to be framed as right wing who were on video recording and exposing themselves as antifa.
These people tried to kidnap a governor.

Now we have a guy with pepper spray who was shot point blank by ANOTHER antifa member at an event where their poster doesn't even hide their hammer and sickle.
In front of the mans son too.

Congratulations, in roughly half a decade the left has become Sino-Hollywood indoctrinated far leftist cult members that are now officially walking around murdering anyone who doesn't bend the knee to their insanity.

This is the modern left in the US.
If you appease, you'll be forced into the cult.
If you resist you'll be shot dead in streets.
what comes next? civil war? and when?

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Other urls found in this thread:

"I'm just as clueless about the left as the retards that callselves leftists while still supporting Democrats," the thread.

"Only I know what a straightforward murderous political party really is and it conveniently changes when I get proven wrong", the comment

>gets called clueless
>proves it

"Suddenly we're talking about trumptards," the deflection.

imagine not being able to make the distinction between left and far left lol

>gets called a murderous cultist
>proves it

I guarantee you're the same retard that can look trump right in the face as he says he denounces actual far right people and your programming will kick in and start shouting "WHY WON'T HE CONDEMN THOSE PEOPLE WHO AREN'T KILLING ANYONE???"

Imagine being this retarded.

They're obviosuly a group of mixed supporters. One was seen arguing with another who was a Trump supporter that Trump is bad too. >Too.
These guys are looking to take down the government on both sides. They don't play your political game of team sports, they are their own team which is why the FBI busted them, because their beliefs are actually a threat to the status quo

i dont watch corperate news, nice try tho lol.
trump has denounced white supremacists like a thousand times over

Nice try Russia, shit this dumb it may be fucking Eric trump posting

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>proves he's a murderous cultist
>by making fun of the murderous cultists and not actually murdering anyone
The delusion is strong with this one.

right, I've seen the evidence of the retarded who recorded himself with all the antifa paraphernalia, now where's the videos of the others with differing political ideologies like you claim?

All news is corporate unless you only watch live footage right from social media and make up your own mind from that. Anything else has a spin or narrative being pushed.

corporate: relating to a corporation, especially a large company or group.
I'm a radical centrist my nigga, I literally trust fucking no ones opinion

>shit this dumb...
>Russian and Eric Trump at the same time.

You've surpassed retard status, congrats.
Still not enough buzz words 1/10

>radical centrist

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The fbi agent who was talking with them witnessed it and detailed that incident I mentioned, it's in some report. The other guys have been seen wearing trump 2020 stuff on social media and the like. Easy to find if you look for yourself even a tiny bit. Sorry if it doesn't line up with your personal narrative yo.

>The delusion is strong with this one.
reddit repetition

Straight from the hub of his online cult, it would almost be sad to see if you weren't so pathetic lmao

>anything that's not a clear opinion backed up by studies and facts conducted by unbiased sources

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That's right trumper, just push the facts to the side

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If you're neither fascist nor racist then you're going to be safe and even protected, people like you OP, are our target though. Prepare for a life of hurt if you every show up expressing these views in real life.

>"it's in some report"
Source: "dude, trust me"

here comes people faking being antifa again just to bait lol

>can't even spell to save his life and is actually that retarded
>Debunked russia conspiracy theory
>Rocking back in forth in his chair crying "russians russians russians"

Pic related, file name.

Attached: you.jpg (2448x3264, 1.65M)

You can keep your shithole cities lol. No one wants to live around you morons. That's why there is such an exodus out of California. People are running from the environment, they're leaving because of the people. Its you.

Ok little timmy, don't get caught not paying attention in your middle school zoom meeting now.

You wouldn't want to get grounded now would you? Then you wouldn't be able to play minecraft for 2 whole weeks = o. uh oh!

Bro, let's see how fake I am when you bring fascist shit into real life. I'll give you more than just soup.

annnnd people fell for it

>That's why there is such an exodus out of California
>with just a many people moving in as out

nigga you can't even bait correctly

Source is multiple news sites, clips and videos posted all over the fucking internet. Again, not hard to find lol. The point is the very fact that the antifa guy is working with Trump supporters and they're using common goals to work together shows that most Americans probably could do the same and that's what scares the people in power. Obviously you can't because you're a giant idiot and a contrarian to the last. But the rest of us can after we put you to the wall

I'm not trying to bait, I'm saying if you say this shit in real life and I'm anywhere near you, you're going to be eating soup for the rest of your life.
Have you ever heard of a curb stomp?


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lol and you want me to vote for the party that has kept niggers down for 120+ years...oh wait, shit...I just might.

The right sure does love killing people but get super fucking triggered when it isn't them doing it. Keep coping you moron, the right is historically and factually responsible for more deaths than the left easily. Not to mention always halting progress



I unironically want government Gestapo to go house to house, looking for Trump merchandise. And when they find it they execute the owner of the house and his entire family in the street. Maybe someday some raggedy ass faggot kid of theirs that got hid in an attic, by, ironically, a nice liberal family, will write some kind of diary that will be found after their death and taught in high schools.

Nice dubs, wannabe social engineer. Now, could please provide some citation for your claims. Of course, I'm only responding to this from page 1 before I scroll onward, but I'm sure anyone else would appreciate it.

it's not even the same topic you retard HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA

You have to be bait, I refused to believe you're that retarded

the left is a joke
patiently waiting for the 2020 libtard reaction videos